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20多年前,在改革开放的大潮刚刚兴起的时候,十二大提出了到20世纪末国民经济总产值翻两番的任务,要实现这个目标能源问题是重点。然而,当时我国发电设备制造工业在技术和产能上远远无法满足电力发展的需求,不得不大量进口发电设备,尤其是锅炉。国家迫切希望国内的企业能够尽快形成生产大型电站锅炉的能力。在这样的形势下,作为国内电站锅炉行业骨干企业之一的北京锅炉厂做出了一个惊人之举:1986年8月6日,与有着一百多年锅炉制造历史的世界级“大腕”——美国 Babcock & Wilcox 公司(以下简称美国巴威公司)喜结连理,双方各出资50%成立了我国电站锅炉制造业的第一家中外合资企业——北京巴布科克·威尔科克斯有限公司(以下简称北京巴威公司)。转眼间,今年北京巴威公司迎来了她20华诞,20年的时光,如白驹过隙,弹指一挥间。但是就在这短短的20年间,北京巴威公司的发展就像火种的延续与火焰的明灭起伏,在我国电站锅炉行业发展史上留下了 More than 20 years ago, when the tide of reform and opening up was just emerging, the 12th National Congress put forward the task of quadrupling the output value of the national economy by the end of the 20th century. The issue of energy is the key to achieving this goal. However, at that time, the power generation equipment manufacturing industry in our country was far from being able to meet the demand for electricity development in terms of technology and production capacity, thus having to import large quantities of power generation equipment, especially boilers. The state urgently hopes that domestic enterprises can form the capability of producing large-scale power station boilers as soon as possible. In this situation, as one of the domestic power plant boiler industry, one of the backbone of Beijing Boiler Factory made a surprising move: August 6, 1986, with more than a hundred years of boiler manufacturing history of world-class --The United States Babcock & Wilcox Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the United States Baweili) hi knot, the two sides each contributed 50% to set up China’s power plant boiler manufacturing industry’s first Sino-foreign joint ventures - Beijing Babcock Wilco Kesi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Bayei company). Blink of an eye, this year, Beijing Bawei company ushered her 20 birthday, 20 years of time, such as foal, fingertips. However, in this short span of 20 years, the development of Beijing Bayei Co., just like the continuation of the flame and the flame of the ups and downs, in the history of China’s power plant boiler industry left
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