Learning Bayesian networks using genetic algorithm

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfsfsfsdfsdfsdfsd
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A new method to evaluate the fitness of the Bayesian networks according to the observed data is provided. The main advantage of this criterion is that it is suitable for both the complete and incomplete cases while the others not. Moreover it facilitates the computation greatly. In order to reduce the search space, the notation of equivalent class proposed by David Chickering is adopted. Instead of using the method directly, the novel criterion, variable ordering, and equivalent class are combined,moreover the proposed mthod avoids some problems caused by the previous one. Later, the genetic algorithm which allows global convergence, lack in the most of the methods searching for Bayesian network is applied to search for a good model in this space. To speed up the convergence, the genetic algorithm is combined with the greedy algorithm. Finally, the simulation shows the validity of the proposed approach. A new method to evaluate the fitness of the Bayesian networks according to the observed data is provided. The main advantage of this criterion is that it is suitable for both the complete and incomplete cases while the others not. Moreover it facilitates the computation greatly. In Instead of using the method directly, the novel criterion, variable ordering, and equivalent class are combined, moreover the proposed mthod avoids some problems caused by previous one. Later, the genetic algorithm which allows global convergence, lack in the most of the methods searching for Bayesian network is applied to search for a good model in this space. To speed up the convergence, the genetic algorithm is combined with the greedy algorithm Finally, the simulation shows the validity of the proposed approach.
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