Curitiba: The Object of Pilgrimage for City Planners

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  Historically, geographically or demographically, it has nothing special to speak of; however, it was put into the list of the first-batch of “the most livable cities” together with Vancouver, Paris, Roma and Sydney by the United Nations. Moreover, it is called “the Ecological Capital of the World” and ranked as the third best life-quality in the world. This amazing city is Curitiba, the ecological capital in South Brazil.
  40 years ago, like any other city in the developing world, Curitiba was also suffering from street jams, smogs, over-sized landfills, environment pollution, etc. What prompted her to rise on a par with the other four cities of world fame? Jaime Lerner, the three-time mayor of Curitiba, played a seminal role in it. He was reputed as someone who not only got great statesmanship, but also a poetic mind and wisdom. He said, We should not invite more problems in solving one problem. We need to combine all problems into one and deal with it systematically through comprehensive planning. His quote of “City is not a Problem, It is the Solution” now reaches to every corner of the world.
  “The Light Rail on the Road”
  Curitiba provides an excellent solution to the hard knot of “traffic”, which gives headaches to many city planners. The car amount in Curitiba is only next to Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil. Surprisingly, it does not have the issues like tail gas pollution and traffic jam, all due to its priority of public transportation system which satisfies the transportation needs of the majority middle- and low-income citizens.
  In Curitiba, every 2.6 people have one car. However, the safe, convenient, cheap and advanced public transit system and good service attract more than 75 % of its citizens to become public transit commuters. It not only makes the public transit services independent of financial subsidies, but also makes Curitiba the city with the lowest private car utilization ratio in Brazil.
  As early as in 1970s, Curitiba began to establish highly efficient public transportation system and implemented the policy of “Bus First”. It adopts the one-ticket system for traveling throughout the whole system. The longer the distance is, the greater the benefit will be. At present, the bus lanes in Curitiba reach 1,100 kilometers. 1,877 buses travel 316,000 kilometers and carry 1.9 million passengers per day, catering for 89% of the needs of the passengers. BRT(Bus Rapid Transportation) in Curitiba, which was called “the light rail on the road”. It is among the most efficient public transit systems in Brazil, rated as the best and most practical urban transportation system in the world and an example of city sustainable development by the United Nations.   “Garbage that Isn't Garbage”
  A waste collector in Curitiba said, “In Curitiba, waste cannot be disposed randomly.” And the fine for littering cost from 400 Real (1,200RMB) to 65,000Real (200,000RMB).
  In 1989, Curitiba initiated a waste collection project of “Garbage that isn’t Garbage” to encourage citizens to separate recyclable materials from waste to be recycled three times a week. Among the five kinds of recyclable waste, papers, glass, cans and plastic can be recycled as industrial raw materials, while rotten vegetables, fruits and so on can be used as agricultural fertilizers. According to the head of department of environmental protection of Curitiba, the classified waste recycling rate reaches 70%. 85% of citizens send the waste to the designated waste collection station after classifying waste. The waste recycling rate reaches 95%. And the daily paper amount recycled is equal to cutting 1,200 trees less per day.
  Meanwhile, the municipal government also subsidizes a “waste purchase project” which encourages citizens trade recycled waste for daily necessities. The government spent 80,000 to 90,000 Real (300,000RMB) to buy tomatoes, bananas, potatoes and other foods to trade with the citizen’s domestic waste. Poor families can trade full bags of waste for public bus tickets, foods, exercise books, etc.
  Urban Green Development
  Curitiba is among the greenest cities in the world. The green space per capita has increased from 0.5 square meters to 52 square meters, 4 times of the recommended figure by the UN, and three times of that by WHO. Clearly, it is not a city embellished with green space, but a city totally in a green space.
  Now it has 30 major parks and forest parks, boasting over 200 city street gardens and green lands. These parks are provided by the government for free and developed by experts’ teams from different countries into characteristic theme parks. And all the parks are free of charge for local residents and travelers.
  One part of the green land in Curitiba is natural and grazable; on the other hand, the artificial grass lands plants local species of grass with the strongest vitality and adaptability, and directly connect to the roads and pedestrian lanes, melting into the city organically.
  What Curitiba tells us is : As long as we give full respect to nature, protect it, integrate mankind’s activities into it and return to it, our cities can be built into heavens of harmonious coexistence between human and nature.
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