Computations of Inlet/Isolator for SCRAMjet Engine

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq174548079
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The inlet/isolator is one of the important parts to the SCRAMjet engine. In the present paper, the flow fields within an inlet and isolator of a SCRAMjet engine have been simulated by the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model. The second order H. C. Yee TVD scheme is used for the inviscid flux terms and a central difference considering the character of flow is used for the diffusion terms. The code was used to simulate the flow field of three types of the inlet/isolator models. The results show that the configuration of the internal compression surface of the inlet and the divergent angle of the isolator have a great important effect on the characteristics of the inlet/isolator. The inlet / isolator is one of the important parts to the SCRAMjet engine. In the present paper, the flow fields within an inlet and isolator of a SCRAMjet engine have been simulated by the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model. The second order HC Yee TVD scheme is used for the inviscid flux terms and a central difference considering the character of flow is used for the diffusion terms. The code was used to simulate the flow field of three types of the inlet / isolator models. The results show that the configuration of the internal compression surface of the inlet and the divergent angle of the isolator have a great important effect on the characteristics of the inlet / isolator.
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