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我的堂哥郭维城少将(1912—1995),辽宁义县人,满族。1933年加入中国共产党。1934年毕业于复旦大学;同年入东北军,先后任张学良机要秘书、鲁苏战区秘书室主任、政务处处长等职。1942年任新一一一师副师长兼政治部主任,后任山东行政委员会委员。解放战争时期,任齐齐哈尔铁路局局长、西满护路军司令员、东北野战军铁道运输司令员、衡阳铁路局局长等职。1952年任中朝联合新建 Major General Guo Weicheng, my cousin (1912-1995), Yi County, Liaoning Province, Manchu. In 1933 to join the Chinese Communist Party. He graduated from Fudan University in 1934; in the same year he joined the Northeast Army and served as the chief secretarial officer of Zhang Xueliang, director of the secretarial office of the Theater of Luxun and director of the municipal affairs department. In 1942 the new one hundred one deputy division chief and political department director, served as Shandong administrative committee. During the War of Liberation, he was appointed as the director of the Qiqihar Railway Bureau, the commander of the Western Mancu Road Security Corps, the railway transportation commander of the Northeast Field Army, and the director of Hengyang Railway Bureau. In 1952 the new joint Chinese and DPRK