Ecotoudsm Model and Benefits of Periphery Regions in Western Sichuan Province

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiang860412
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There are many problems in the minority regions of western Sichuan Province,such as serious soil erosion,fragile ecological environment,low levels of economy and so on.Ad- vantages of tourism resources in the“periphery regions”should be fully utilized,and“multi-tourism”meets the characteristics and present situation of the minority regions.The“multi-tourism de- velopment model”can exert the functions of tourism as the key industry.Based on the demands and the internal linkages among different industries,the model can accelerate the development of related-industries,such as eco-agriculture,eco-industry and so on. Through implementing the multi-tourism model,we can fully utilize the advantages of the periphery regions and promote the sustainable development of regional economy. There are many problems in the minority regions of western Sichuan Province, such as serious soil erosion, fragile ecological environment, low levels of economy and so on. Ad-vantages of tourism resources in the “peripheral regions ” should be fully utilized, and “multi-tourism ” meets the characteristics and present situation of the minority regions. “multi-tourism de- development model ” can exert the functions of tourism as the key industry. Based on the demands and the internal linkages among different industries, the model can accelerate the development of related-industries, such as eco-agriculture, eco-industry and so on. Through implementing the multi-tourism model, we can fully utilize the advantages of the periphery regions and promote the sustainable development of regional economy.
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