Cinderella 灰姑娘

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  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ella. Ella’s mother had died long ago. Her stepmother was unkind to her. Ella must do all the housework for the whole family and her clothes became broken. She had two step-sisters named Anastasia and Drusilla. They were also unkind to her. They called Ella “Cinderella”. What happened to Cinderella? 讓我们一起来欣赏江苏省南通市通州区实验小学的同学们演绎灰姑娘的故事吧!
  徐孙雯 刘彦良 刘 沁
  朱沁瞳 陈慧欣 张 洋
  Anastasia: Good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince will choose a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. I’ll be the queen!
  Drusilla: Hey, I will be the queen, not you!
  Anastasia: Cinderella! Get me my beautiful dress!
  Drusilla: Cinderella! Go and get me my shoes! You’re always so lazy and ugly.
  Anastasia: Wow, it fits me very well.
  Drusilla: You are too stupid to think so. I am the star.
  Anastasia: Hurry up! The party will begin soon.
  Drusilla: I’m coming.
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