
来源 :北京大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxg1112
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Genetic tests for about1 000 health conditions have been developed, of which more than 600 are currently a-vailable for clinical testing[1]. Many genetic tests identify DNAvariants; others measure biochemical markers or an-alyze chromosomes. Most are used for diagnosis of rare single-gene disorders or chromosome abnormalities, and afeware used for newborn screening[2]. Agrowing number of genetic tests may have population-based applications.This includes determining the risk of developing a disease or condition in the future (e.g., predictive testing forbreast cancer or cardiovascular disease), and recognizing genetic variations that can influence response to medi-cines (pharmacogenomics). These genetic tests, therefore, have the potential for broad public health impact. Genetic tests for about1 000 health conditions have been developed, of which more than 600 are currently a-vailable for clinical testing [1]. Many genetic tests identify DNAvariants; others measure biochemical markers or an-alyze chromosomes. Most are used for diagnosis of rare single-gene disorders or chromosome abnormalities, and afeware used for newborn screening [2]. Agrowing number of genetic tests may have population-based applications. This includes determining the risk of developing a disease or condition in the future (eg, predictive testing forbreast cancer or cardiovascular disease), and recognizing genetic variations that can influence response to medi-cines (pharmacogenomics). These genetic tests, therefore, have the potential for broad public health impact.
卧式车床的气动或液动夹紧,多用回转配气(液阀和回转气(液)压缸,两者均与主轴连接在一起。这种方式存在以下问题。 (1)机床高速转动时,易引起振动。停车时产生惯性振动。 (2
在20世纪60年代早期,我跟随布鲁士·李在西雅图训练。在我对那段时间所有的记忆中,要数能量传递留给我的印象最为深刻了。这项技能无论是用于进攻还是防守都是非常重要的,但它同时也是许多武术家难以领会的一个神秘词汇。在当时教练告诉我们,在对抗中,它同速度、力量以及战术是同等重要的。原因很简单,所有的自卫手段中都或多或少的包含有能量的传递。  李认为速度不仅仅只是对移动的描述,它同时也是充满激情和精力进行