Dust dispersion and management in underground mining faces

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtchen
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Presence of fine dust in air causes serious health hazard for mine operators resulting in such serious problems as coal workers’pneumoconiosis and silicosis.Major sources of dust appear of course along the mining face where the minerals are extracted.Proper control and management are required to ensure safe working environment in the mine.Here,we utilize the computational fluid dynamic(CFD)approach to evaluate various methods used for mitigating dust dispersion from the mining face and for ensuring safe level of dust concentration in the mine tunnel for safety of the operators.The methods used include:application of blowing and exhaust fans,application of brattice and combination of both.The results suggest that among the examined methods,implementation of appropriately located brattice to direct the flow from the main shaft to the mining face is the most effective method to direct dust particles away from the mining face. Presence of fine dust in air causes serious health hazard for mine operators resulting in such serious problems as coal workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis. Major sources of dust appear of course along the mining face where the minerals are extracted. Proper control and management are required to ensure safe working environment in the mine. Here, we employ the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach to evaluate various methods used for mitigating dust dispersion from the mining face and for ensuring safety safe level of dust concentration in the mine tunnel for safety of the operators . The methods used include: application of blowing and exhaust fans, application of brattice and combination of both. The results suggest that among the examined methods, implementation of suitably located brattice to direct the flow from the main shaft to the mining face is the most effective method to direct dust particles away from the mining face.
因为用不清洁的手挤掉了鼻头位置的几个黑头,10岁姑娘小如感染上了严重的脑膜脑炎并形成了硕大的脑脓肿,不仅需要花费超过10万以上的医疗费用开颅取出脓肿,还有可能会遗留下癫痫、脑积液这样的后遗症。  细菌突破了血脑屏障  据暨南大学附属第一医院神经外科副主任医师项永生介绍,该女孩是在持续的出现高热、呕吐、头晕、头痛多天后,被医院儿科收治入院的。在入院之前,孩子一直在门诊接受类感冒症状的对症治疗,但治疗
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