Fabrication and measurement of optical characterization of one dimensional photonic crystal with def

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:echoofstar
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Numerical calculations based on the transfer matrix method are carried out,and the results of band gap with resonance peaks are obtained.The electron beam lithography technology(EBL) and induction coupling plasma(ICP) etching are used to make the photonic crystal(PC) structures,and from several scanning electron microscope images,the PC structures are observed with features closing to the design. In order to create the tiny PC structures in the right places of the waveguide by the EBL technology at different time,some alignment markers are deposited on the chip,which are made of gold that deposited on titanium for its good adhesion to the underlying Si.An optical testing bed is designed for measurement of the optical characterization of PC structures.Through the analysis of the measured data,a AA value of 0.8 nm is obtained and for the centre frequency of 1547 nm,a very high quality factor value of 1933 can be obtained.The 3-nm difference represents only a 0.2%error from the theoretical centre. Numerical calculations based on the transfer matrix method are carried out, and the results of band gap with resonance peaks are obtained. Electron beam lithography technology (EBL) and induction coupling plasma (ICP) etching are used to make the photonic crystal (PC) structures, and from several scanning electron microscope images, the PC structures are observed with features closing to the design. In order to create the tiny PC structures in the right places of the waveguide by the EBL technology at different times, some alignment markers are deposited on the chip, which are made of gold that deposited on titanium for its good adhesion to the underlying Si. An optical testing bed is designed for measurement of the optical characterization of PC structures. Through the analysis of the measured data, a AA value of 0.8 nm is obtained and for the center frequency of 1547 nm, a very high quality factor value of 1933 can be obtained. 3-nm difference represents only a 0.2% error from the theoretica l center.
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