
来源 :语文学刊(外语教育教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p348892993
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学生课堂展示在中国的大学英语教学中起着越来越重要的作用,符合提高学生的英语口语能力的要求。然而,由于各种原因,学生课堂展示过于随意,效果难以令人满意,无法让学生保持长久的热情。本文以任务型教学为理论依据,从学生课堂展示小组的人数、课堂展示的内容,尤其是介绍了国外对于学生课堂展示的评价标准,从而对改进学生课堂展示提出了一些建议。 Student classroom display plays an increasingly important role in college English teaching in China, which is in line with the requirement of improving students’ oral English ability. However, due to various reasons, the students’ classroom display is too random and the results are unsatisfactory and students can not maintain their long-term enthusiasm. In this paper, task-based teaching as the theoretical basis, the number of students in the classroom display group, the content of the classroom display, especially the introduction of foreign evaluation criteria for the display of students in the classroom, so as to improve students’ classroom display some suggestions.
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