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<正> 青岛市地处胶东半岛南部,市区三面环海,为典型沿海城市。海产品供应丰富,但自来水源主要靠引黄河水并入自来水网,为了解市区居民碘营养状况,笔者于1995年对市区进行了随机抽样调查,结果报 告如下:1 材料与方法1.1 检查对象与范围
正Xianju County in Zhejiang province of China, a national key scenic spot, has beautiful scenery and charming sight. The name of Xianju , originally Yong&#39;an
<正>Zhang Daqian’s artistic career is a legend in more than one sense. He has been compared to Tang Yin, a versatile artist in the Ming Dynasty. To help you un
<正>Shangsi Festival,also known as the Double Third Festival,is an ancient Chinese festival celebrated on the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar
摘 要:合作学习是目前新课标所大力推行的教学策略,是与时代和社会的发展步伐相一致的,是课堂教学改革全面深入的集中体现。然而受传统教学的影响,在建立小组合作的过程中,从学生的座位入手,没有考虑到学生的各种情况,这样一来,小组之间的实力就无法保证均衡,往往会造成一边倒的情况。为此小学音乐教师为确保合作学习的顺利开展,必须全方位综合学生的能力,以学生的实际为出发点,探究出新的教学策略,更好地把学生引入到
<正>In celebration of the Chinese lunar New Year of the Rabbit,the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)recently held an exhibition displaying its collection of
<正> 吉林省是我国碘缺乏病严重流行的省份之一,全省59个县市区均为碘缺乏病流行区,受碘缺乏病危害人口达2500多万。全省从1958年开始供应1/2万碘化钾食盐,居民碘营养水平有
<正>County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000
<正> 布氏菌分类鉴定在国内多依据其表型特征,如一般形态、菌落、生长发育、生理生化、血清学、噬菌体裂解等。但在疫区现场,近年来病原菌的分离常有变异。如光滑型变为粗糙
<正>Khubilai(1215-1294)is the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty,a period witnessing unprecedented cultural diversity and prosperity in ancient China.Over the