New ID Card Stresses Constitutional Rights

来源 :Human Rights | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JAVA01
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ID cards are de Rigueur worldwide. The majority of countries have some kind of national identification system. A small card makes it easier for people to identify themesleves and to take part in social, political and other activities. But absuse or “authorized” abuse of the card may also cause problems and even encroach upon the basic rights of citizens. China introduced the national identification system in 1985, when regulations on what was then called “residence identification card” were enacted. Over the past 18 years, the country has issued 1.14 billion ID cards and the number of actual card holders has reached 980 million. The majority of countries have some kind of national identification system. A small card makes it easier for people to identify themes leves and to take part in social, political and other activities. But absuse or “authorized ” abuse the the card may also cause problems and even encroach upon the basic rights of citizens. China introduced the national identification system in 1985, when regulations on what was then called “residence identification card” were enacted. Over the past 18 years, the country has issued 1.14 billion ID cards and the number of actual card holders has reached 980 million.
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面对似是而非的说法,左右两难的取舍,你会作什么样的选择?    丁丁快满周岁了,奶奶早早就张罗着要给他抓周,妈妈却担心:要是抓到的东西不满意怎么办?犹豫着要不要办抓周仪式。    正方具有人情味的风俗  晓晓  我家宝宝还不满1岁,但我已经在筹划她的生日宴和抓周仪式了。  并不是传统的东西就一定不好,虽说抓周能预测宝宝前途和性情是大人们的一厢情愿,但其核心是对生命延续、顺利和兴旺的祝愿,是一种具有