游穷学海寻真理 读破书山出自由——许崇德先生宪政思想管窥

来源 :中国宪法年刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujun_xiao
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2014年3月3日23时59分,许崇德先生那颗为新中国宪政建设和宪法学科发展操劳了半个多世纪的心脏停止了跳动,噩耗传来,学界陷入悲恸。许崇德先生少年时正值抗战爆发,他曾亲眼目睹我军民遭日寇屠戮的惨景,立下了“分头报国驾长风”的志向,先后入复旦大学和人民大学研习国家法。1954年,留校任教的许崇德先生调入宪法起草委员会秘书处资料组工作,见证了新中国第一部宪法的诞生,1980年至1982年又作为宪法修改委员会秘书处的成员,全程参与了现行宪法的起草,并为其后的四次修正贡献了心力。此外,许崇德先生还先后参与了香港和澳门两部特别行政区基本法的起草工作,为 On March 3, 2014, at 23:59, the heart of Mr Xu Chongde, who worked hard for the development of constitutional development and constitutional discipline in China for more than half a century, stopped beating. The sad news came and the academic community fell into grief. Mr. Xu Chongde was born in the war of resistance against Japan. When he witnessed the massacre of the massacre of the army and the people by the Japanese invaders, he set his ambition of “giving a long break to the country” and went to Fudan University and Renmin University to study the state law. In 1954, Mr. Xu Chongde, who had been in school, was transferred to the Information Section of the Secretariat of the Constitution Drafting Committee and witnessed the birth of the First Constitution of New China. He joined the Secretariat of the Constitutional Reform Commission from 1980 to 1982, The drafting of the constitution contributed to the subsequent four amendments. In addition, Mr. Xu Chongde has successively participated in the drafting of the basic law of the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao,
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企业实行股份制以后,其经营机制与原来的企业相比,发生了重大变化。怎样才能使思想政治工作更富有战斗力?笔者认为,至少要实行三个转变。 首先,由“封闭型”转向“开放型”
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用人类淋巴母细胞干扰素治疗慢性乙型肝炎病人首次获得成功。伦敦皇家自由医院Ian Weller博士说,治疗后1例女病人体内肝炎病毒的所有迹象都消失,2例男病人肝炎的各生物学指
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