笔底万象 潇洒清逸 ——李灵机的水墨情结

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在我熟悉的画家中,李灵机属于才思敏捷,极富灵性的一类。灵机并非科班出身,可很早就在画坛崭露头角:1971年他的作品便入选了广西美展,那年他才21岁。在以后的34年中,他依然坚持创作,而且成绩斐然,作品相继人选第七届、第九届、第十届全国美展。灵机有一句话是很值得中年画家咀嚼的:50岁以后在艺术上仍有所长 Among the painters I am familiar with, Li Lingji belongs to the class of quick-witted, highly spiritual. He was not a native of Keban and could emerge early in the painting scene. In 1971 his works were selected for the Guangxi Art Exhibition, when he was 21 years old. In the next 34 years, he still insisted on writing, but also with outstanding achievements. His works have been selected for the seventh, the ninth and the tenth national art exhibition. There is a sentence of inspirational is very worthy of middle-aged painter chewing: after the age of 50 there is still artistic director
A new specimen of ankylosaurine dinosaur Crichtonpelta benxiensis is described.The new specimen is based on a nearly completely preserved skull from the same qu
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