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《庄子》与魏晋士人郭象的遭遇,既有着深刻的历史原因,又可以在人性的根源处找到依据。郭象注的《庄子》,最终成了郭象自己的《庄子》,这与他所采用的“寄言出意”的诠释方法密不可分。郭象运用这一诠释方法建构了“独化”的哲学本体,为当时的社会存在找到了合理的依据,使得“天人”之间,乃至“自然与名教”之间的冲突和矛盾得以解决。本文主要从“独化”的哲学本体论、“名教”与“自然”的调和、对现代经典诠释的启示三个方面阐释了郭象哲学中“寄言出意”这一诠释方法的意义。 The experience of Zhuangzi and Guo Xiang, an emperor of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, not only has profound historical reasons, but also can be found in the root causes of human nature. Guo Zhuang’s “Zhuangzi” eventually became Guo’s own “Zhuangzi”, which is closely related to his method of interpretation. Guo Xiang applied this method of interpretation to construct the philosophical noumenon of “one ’s unique ” and found a reasonable basis for the existing social existence at that time, which made the relationship between heaven and man and even nature and nobility Conflicts and conflicts between the two countries can be solved. This essay mainly elaborates the connotation of “soliciting” from the philosophical ontology of “Dictation ”, the reconciliation of “Mingjiao ” and “Nature ” and the enlightenment of modern classical interpretation "This interpretation of the meaning of the method.
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