来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walkman73
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The working principle of a kind of compositive emission control system is inquired into, which includes exhaust heater, secondary air supplement, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), thermal reactor and catalytic converter, etc. The purification effect of CO, HC and NOx emission of the gasoline spark ignite (S.I.) engine is studied. The entire vehicle driving cycle tests based on the national emission standard and a series of the gasoline engine-testing bench tests including full load characteristic experiment, load characteristic experiment and idle speed experiment are done. The results show that the system has a very good emission control effect to CO, HC and NOx of gasoline engine. The construction of the system is very simple and can be mounted on the exhaust pipe conveniently without any alteration of the vehicle-use gasoline engine. The working principle of a kind of compositive emission control system is inquired into, which includes exhaust heater, secondary air supplement, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), thermal reactor and catalytic converter, etc. The purification effect of CO, HC and NOx emission of the entire vehicle driving cycle tests based on the national emission standard and a series of the gasoline engine-testing bench tests including full load characteristic experiment, load characteristic experiment and idle speed experiment are done. The results show that the system has a very good emission control effect to CO, HC and NOx of gasoline engine. The construction of the system is very simple and can be mounted on the exhaust pipe conveniently without any alteration of the vehicle-use gasoline engine .
上世纪80年代或许是一种标记,承载了太多青春的苦涩和记忆。所以韩寒写的歌词里面,用这两句来形容本片传达的一种情感氛围竟是如此地贴切便不会感到惊奇了。然而如果只是去描写青春的残酷和悲恸,我想娄烨的《颐和园》或者姜文的《阳光灿烂的日子》会更加深刻,然而李玉在《观音山》里对于那些青春的洒脱也不是浅尝辄止的,她似乎游离到了另外一种哲学层面,这就是生命本身的思考。  生命或绚烂,或悲悯,或快乐。  电影里每
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自主创新的精神动力源自创新者自身的需要,当他所处的环境拒绝向他提供帮助时,这种外部压力就起到了放大器的作用,激发人们自力更生创新求进。我们今天歌颂的“两弹一星”精神、载人航天精神就是在遭受外界严密封锁的历史条件下锤炼出来的。  “借力”和“自力”是对立统一的两种路径选择。改革开放以后,我们抓住机遇积极“借力”,取得了显著的成效。以“借力”为主的长安汽车就比以“自力”为主的“云雀”汽车发展得快些,当
这次评选“新闻宣传单位林业宣传先进集体”、“林业宣传优秀编辑、记者”、“林业好新闻”活动的结果,已经揭晓了。下面,我就这次评奖活动作几点说明: 1、这次评奖活动,是