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日照接轨青岛,自2004年5月份正式启动实施,经过多方努力,取得了明显成效。一是对青招商规模大。四年全市共从青岛引进项目446个,计划总投资68亿元,到位资金45亿元,其中今年以来引进项目146个,计划总投资16.4亿元,到位资金9.8亿元。二是产业合作领域宽。四年全市共向青岛输出农副产品40万吨,其中今年以来输出12.5万吨;有组织向青岛转移农村劳动力6.2万人,其中今年以来转移1.5万人;青岛日照两地旅游互动人数达到181万人次,其中今年达40万人次。三是交流互访层次高。四年两市交流互访达1000多批次,其中今年以来两市交流互访达360批次。日照市2004年、2005年两次组织党政考察团赴青岛学习考察,青岛市也先后四次组织大规模的政府考察团、经贸考察团和科技考察团来我市进行考察交流和项目对接。四是交通对接取得突破。开通了日照港至青岛港的集装箱海运直通航线,青岛流亭机场在日照市设立了虚拟空港,日照市沿海公路与青岛滨海大道实现对接。 Rizhao integration with Qingdao, since May 2004 formally put into effect, after many efforts, and achieved remarkable results. First, large-scale investment on green. In 2004, a total of 446 projects were introduced from Qingdao, with a total planned investment of 6.8 billion yuan and 4.5 billion yuan of funds in place. Among them, 146 projects were introduced this year with a total planned investment of 1.64 billion yuan and funds in place of 980 million yuan. Second, the field of industrial cooperation is wide. Four years the city exported a total of 400,000 tons of agricultural and sideline products to Qingdao, of which 125,000 tons were exported this year; 62,000 rural laborers have been transferred to Qingdao, of which 15,000 have been transferred this year; and 1.81 million tourists have been engaged in tourism in Qingdao and Rizhao The number of people, of which 400,000 people this year. Third, high level of exchanges and visits. Four exchanges and visits between the two cities reached more than 1,000 batches in 2004, of which 360 batches of exchanges and visits have taken place between the two cities this year. Rizhao City in 2004 and 2005 organized two party delegations to study in Qingdao, Qingdao City, also has organized four large-scale government delegation, economic and trade delegation and scientific and technological delegation to visit the city exchange and docking projects. Fourth, traffic docking made a breakthrough. The container shipping line between Rizhao Port and Qingdao Port was opened. Qingdao Liuting Airport set up a virtual airport in Rizhao and the coastal highway in Rizhao was docked with Qingdao Binhai Avenue.
Objective: Factors influencing survival among persons with Down syndrome (DS) are not well understood. We sought to evaluate survival of infants with DS and pot
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