Grains Containing Oil Inclusions in Different Hydrocarbon Production and Show Types of Sandstone Res

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glx19891006
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The values of grains containing oil inclusions(GOI) in 120 reservoir sandstone samples from the central Junggar Basin of Northwest China were investigated.The sandstones are characterized by different types of hydrocarbon production and shows.The values range from 0.015%to 19.9%,and show a fairly good correlation with the hydrocarbon production/shows,which are qualitatively suggestive of reservoir hydrocarbon abundance and petroleum migration.Thus,it may be implied that the values can reflect hydrocarbon migration,being not controlled mainly by the other influencing factors.Further correlation between the values and the reservoir hydrocarbon production and show types indicates that the GOI method can be used in hydrocarbon migration study when the petroleum type of a reservoir is normal oil or gas alone,but it should be used with caution when light oil charges the reservoirs or a complex hydrocarbon migration event takes place.The case study in the central Junggar Basin using the method presents some new understanding on hydrocarbon migration.Thus, the method may help to solve specific petroleum geological problems,and can be treated as a routine tool in hydrocarbon migration study. The values ​​of grains containing oil inclusions (GOI) in the central Junggar Basin of Northwest China were investigated. The sandstones are characterized by different types of hydrocarbon production and shows. The values ​​range from 0.015% to 19.9%, and show a fairly good correlation with the hydrocarbon production / shows, which are qualitatively suggestive of reservoir hydrocarbon abundance and petroleum migration .hus, it may be implied that the values ​​can reflect hydrocarbon migration, being not controlled mainly by the other influencing factors. between the values ​​and the reservoir hydrocarbon production and show types indicates that the GOI method can be used in hydrocarbon migration study when the petroleum type of a reservoir is normal oil or gas alone, but it should be used with caution when light oil charges the reservoirs or a complex hydrocarbon migration event takes place. the case study in the central Junggar Basin using the metho d presents some new understanding on hydrocarbon migration.Thus, the method may help to solve specific petroleum geological problems, and can be treated as a routine tool in hydrocarbon migration study.
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血清r-谷氨酸转移酶(G G T)增高,对肝、胆、胰的恶性疾病的诊断有一定意义,为了解肺结核患者血、尿G G T的变化情况,现将283例III型肺结核患者尿G G T的结果分析报告如下。1
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