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一前言合成纤维具有普通纤維所沒有的許多优点,如强度大,弹性高,耐磨,耐腐蝕,耐光,織物美观,耐用,能和天然纤維以及人造纤維混紡以改进織物的某些品质等。因此近年来合成纤維工业的发展非常迅速。合成纤维的品种很多,目前已知的合成纤维已达30多种,商品名已有130多个。合成纤维中聚酰胺纤維即耐綸的产量最大,在1957年約占合成纤維总产量的三分之二。耐綸是由单体的聚合或縮聚合成的。因此,耐綸单体的合成是合成纤維工业的关键问題。聚酰胺不仅可以紡絲供制合成纤維,而且由于它有很好的化学稳定性,以及容易成型,因而能广泛地用于各个部門。聚酰胺可用于制造蓄电池和电容器,也可做开关設备的绝緣零件。經过酚醛树脂和其他树 Synthetic fibers have many advantages that ordinary fibers do not have, such as strength, high elasticity, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, light resistance, beautiful and durable fabrics, and natural and synthetic fibers can be blended to improve certain quality fabrics. Therefore, in recent years the development of synthetic fiber industry is very rapid. Many varieties of synthetic fibers, the synthetic fibers have been known so far reached more than 30 kinds, more than 130 trade names. Polyamide fiber, nylon, is the largest producer of synthetic fibers, accounting for about two-thirds of the total synthetic fiber production in 1957. Nylon is synthesized by the polymerization or polycondensation of monomers. Therefore, the synthesis of nylon monomer is a key issue in the synthetic fiber industry. Polyamides can not only be spun for the production of synthetic fibers, but also be widely used in various sectors because of their good chemical stability and ease of forming. Polyamides can be used to make batteries and capacitors, as well as insulating parts for switchgear. After the phenolic resin and other trees
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