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随着人们金融投资意识的逐步增强,许多人在寻求既安全又收益高的投资之路,于是债券便成为众所观注的焦点,国债投资无疑成为最佳的选择。因为,国债安全可靠,流通性强。国债又称金边债券,它以国家财政作担保,因而信誉最高,安全性最好。从1981年开始,我国恢复发行国债至今已17个年头了。17年来,我国国债发行不断扩大,已取得很大成效。但是在国债的发行与还本付息中也存在一些问题,需要进一步改进和完善现行的国债管理办法。 With the gradual enhancement of people’s financial investment awareness, many people are seeking a safe and highly profitable way of investing. As a result, bonds have become the focus of public attention. Treasurys investment will undoubtedly become the best choice. Because the national debt safe and reliable, strong liquidity. Treasury bonds, also known as the Phnom Penh bonds, are guaranteed by state finances and therefore have the highest credibility and the best safety. Since 1981, China has resumed its issuance of treasury bonds for 17 years now. In the past 17 years, the issuance of treasury bonds in our country has been continuously expanded and has achieved great success. However, there are also some problems in the issue of bonds and the repayment of principal and interest, which require further improvement and improvement of the current management methods of national debt.