Microstructure Characteristics and Apparent Viscosity of Hypereutectic Al-24%Si Alloy Melt During Se

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syzy3106jiege
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The microstructural evolution and apparent viscosity of hypereutectic Al-24%Si alloy during semi-solid state shearing were studied with a Searte type viscometer. When the alloy melt was continuously stirred from 720℃ to eutectic temperature, the primary Si crystals were gradually changed from elongated platelets to near-spherical shapes. It was found that some nondendritic a-phase formed when the melt was stirred below 585℃. The experiment showed that the semi-solid stirring had strong effect on inhibiting the anisotropic growth of Si crystals during solidification. The apparent viscosity of the alloy melt increased slowly with the decreasing of temperature before the formation of nondendritic α-phase, which caused the dramatic increase of apparent viscosity. The microstructural evolution and apparent viscosity of hypereutectic Al-24% Si alloy during semi-solid state shearing were studied with a Searte type viscometer. When the alloy melt was stirred from 720 ° C to eutectic temperature, the primary Si crystals were gradually changed from It was found that some nondendritic a-phase formed when the melt was stirred below 585 ° C. The experiment showed that the semi-solid stirring had strong effect on inhibiting the anisotropic growth of Si crystals during solidification. The apparent viscosity of the alloy melt increased slowly with the decreasing of temperature before the formation of nondendritic a-phase, which caused the dramatic increase of apparent viscosity.
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情态动词是体现特定情感态度的助动词,后接动词原形,较少有人称、数和时态变化,其热点考点如下:    一、考查情态动词表推测性的用法    考点说明:表推测性的情态动词通常有may, must, can。may 表示“或许、可能”,取这个意思时通常用于肯定句。may表示可能性或推测的意思用在否定句中时,not不是否定may,而是否定句子里的动词。must表示“一定,必定”,即肯定的推测,强调可能性较
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