Celebrating Unity

来源 :中国与非洲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoudeyou
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  When it comes to what African LiberationDay means to African countries,different people may give differentanswers: independence, equality, freedom,unity and happiness, just to name a few. But nodoubt it is one of the most important days for acontinent that had been colonized for decades.On this day every year, various celebrations areheld in Africa and around the world and goodwishes are sent to African leaders and celebritiesfrom their foreign counterparts.
The last two solar terms of the year, December's“Heavy Snow”and“Winter Solstice,”mark the coming of winter. This period when living things slow down to save energy is also one of ceremony. Across Chin
“A factory that disconsiders the integrity ofhuman life and treats workers just as part ofproduction lines is the cruelest sweatshopmore than anything else.”
IN December 2005 1 signedup to Douban, China's largestonline community for book, movie and musicaddicts. It had only been around for ninemonths at that point, but was full of booksand book reviews. Fo
Wan Hengjun is frustrated. After savingdiligently for the past 10 years the ITtechnician still cannot afford to buy anapartment in Beijing, though he and his wifeearn more than 20,000 yuan ($2,929) a
Taking a scan of the African continent,only a handful of countries have realizedpeaceful transitions of heads of state inthe past decade. Ghana, in West Africa, isone of them. During U.S. President Ba
AS Africa focuses on Cote d'Ivoire, the permutations are begin-ning to temper with what would otherwise be the norm. With anelection that has produced two presidential candidates who havegone into a r
Rwanda is serious about fixing its economy.In looking for inspiration into whatcan be done by a small state to producebig results, the country’s leaders have found theSingapore Model of economic devel
To some extent, what the new energy car isgoing through in China is similar to lastyear’s Oscar-winning film, The Hurt Locker.They were both created with a noble purpose inmind, but received disappoin
Clearly, China is rooting for the SouthAfricans.  At least that was the case in bars acrossBeijing as crowds coagulated to watch theFIFA World Cup curtain raiser between theRainbow Nation and Mexico o
On the morning of May 20,2010, “African Culture inFocus 2010,” an event jointlyorganized by five Chinese governmentagencies, including theMinistry of Culture and the StateAdministration of Radio, Film