Fracture Characteristics of Frit Bonding through In-Situ Nano-Indentation Testing

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wheat
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Because frit bonding material is brittle, sudden impacts such as dropping may damage the bonding significantly. Strain-rate-controlled in-situ nano-indentation testing, which can determine localized material properties, was carried out on the frit-bonded specimen, especially on the frit bonding matrix and the filler. The results were compared with the drop-impact fracture behavior to understand the fracture characteristics. Mechanical properties at static condition or low strain rate did not show proper relationship with the fracture tendency of the drop tested result of the frit bonding. From the relationship between fracture toughness and the ratio of modulus/hardness, fracture characteristics at the drop impact situation could be estimated by the values at the high strain rate nano-indentation. The ratio between modulus and hardness on frit matrix showed close relationship with drop impact fracture. Though crack propagation path deflected at filler interface, filler property gave less influence on fracture tendency of drop impact fracture due to its small volume fraction. The properties of frit matrix were crucial to the fracture characteristics of the frit bonding. Strain-rate-controlled in-situ nano-indentation testing, which can determine localized material properties, was carried out on the frit-bonded bonded bond, especially on the frit bonding matrix and the filler. The results were compared with the drop-impact fracture behavior to understand the fracture characteristics. Mechanical properties at static condition or low strain rate did not show proper relationship with the fracture tendency of the drop tested result of the From the relationship between fracture toughness and the ratio of modulus / hardness, fracture characteristics at the drop impact situation could be estimated by the values ​​at the high strain rate nano-indentation. The ratio between modulus and hardness on frit matrix interesting relationship with drop impact fracture. Though crack propagation path deflected at filler interface, filler property gave le ss influence on fracture tendency of drop impact fracture due to its small volume fraction. The properties of frit matrix were crucial to the fracture characteristics of the frit bonding.
患者,男,19岁。因颈右侧包块半月疑颈淋巴结结核于1985年3月15日入院。体查:T 37.8℃,颈右侧区8×5cm包块,边界不清、质韧、压痛,双肺呼吸音清晰,心界不大,心率72次/分,腹平
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