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  A Bit Too Little太小
  难度 ★★★☆☆
  Cuba has a new president. Seventy-six-year-old Raul Castro, the brother of revolutionary Fidel Castro, has become the island’s first new leader in nearly half a century, after being officially confirmed by the Cuban parliament.
  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? Same last name, that’s for sure. Fidel Castro’s younger brother, Raul, was elected by the Cuban parliament, officially confirming his 1)takeover. That marked the end of Fidel Castro’s 49-year rule. But it did not mark the arrival of a new generation. First, Raul said he’ll consult with Fidel on all major decisions. Second, in a move to reassure the 2)orthodox 3)old guard, the parliament 4)shunned younger candidates to name a 77-year-old revolutionary leader, Jose Ramon Machado, as vice president. Before taking the reins, from his 81-year-old brother, Raul was the world’s longest serving defense minister. He has commanded the Cuban 5)armed forces ever since the 1959 revolution. He was once known as a hardliner who executed his brother’s orders—and enemies—ruthlessly. But lately, he appeared more moderate, hinting that he’s willing to adopt small economic changes like allowing some market trade.
  But then again, whatever changes Raul hopes to make are expected to be limited by the 6)veteran power 7)elite.


  A Bit Far Fetched太不着边际
  难度 ★★★★☆
  It might look fun but Shinji Suzuki insists he’s working hard. He’s a professor of 8)Aerospace Engineering at Tokyo University.
  Suzuki (via translator): Paper planes are extremely light so they slow down when the air is thin, and can gradually descend. We believe this research could help us create a new design for future space 9)shuttles.
  Researchers made tiny planes from special paper and tested them in a heat and wind tunnel. They survived 250 degrees 10)Celsius and wind seven times the speed of sound. It’s thought because they’re so light they may escape the worst of the friction and heat that much heavier spacecraft face on re-entry to the atmosphere.
  Suzuki: It’s going to be the space version of a 11)message in a bottle. It’ll be great if someone picks one up. We are thinking of writing messages on the planes saying “if found, please contact us” in a couple of languages.
  A Japanese astronaut has been asked to release the planes from a space station. Suzuki hopes the technology might one day be used for unmanned spacecraft. But it will take several months for the planes to reach Earth and there’s no way of knowing where they’ll land.


  A Bit Too Much 太过份
  难度 ★★★★☆
  Significant world figures were in St. Petersburg on Monday, as sports big names were recognized at the annual Laureus Sports Awards. Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the ninth annual Laureus ceremony where the best sporting achievers of 2007 were chosen by a jury of 43 former sporting greats who make up the World Sports Academy.
  A familiar face at these star-studded awards, tennis super star and World No. 1, Roger Federer, won the 12)prestigious Sportsman of the Year Award for a record fourth year 13)in a row, having won a record-equaling fifth successive Wimbledon title last year.
  Host: This is your fourth. Now how’re you feeling about that?
  Roger: I’m happy the jury didn’t think three was enough. So, thanks guys, for still voting for me.
  Fellow tennis No. 1 Justine Henin was named the Best Sportswoman for the first time in a year that began with her separating from her husband. The Belgian then became the first woman in ten years to win ten titles in a season, including two 14)Grand Slams.
  Justine: It was a tough year personally with big issues, but I kept fighting and it’s been the best season of my career so far. I enjoy my game so much. I remain healthy away from the injuries and every time I was on the court I enjoyed it so much and a year that I will never forget, for sure.
  The World Cup-winning South African 15)rugby team won the Team of the Year Award, while McLaren’s Louis Hamilton was rewarded with the World’s Breakthrough of the Year Prize after an awesome 16)debut season in Formula One.


人物性格表 Personality  Jocelyn (Maria Bello) — independent, self-controlled  Bernadette (Kathy Baker) —   cheerful, genial[亲切的], sagacious[睿智的]  Sylvia Avila (Amy Brenneman) —  tolerant, responsible[有责任心的
Some say love it is a river  That drowned the tender reed  Some say love it is a razor  That leaves your soul to bleed  Some say love it is a hunger  An endless aching need  I say love it is a flower 
异曲同声盼和平福音  Linda Baxter    The concept of peace is a very important one in cultures all over the world. Think about how we greet people. In some languages, the phrases for greetings contain the word f
1968年4月4日,马丁·路德·金遇刺身亡。葬礼上,瘦弱的科雷塔身披丧服搂着小女儿静静地坐在那里。从这一刻起,科雷塔的生活彻底被改变。她说:“我比以往任何时候都更加坚信我丈夫的梦想必将成为现实。” 没有任何人给她丝毫压力,她毅然决定,继续丈夫未竞的事业……2006年2月7日,16万群众冒着冬雨和严寒,为这位美国民权运动“第一夫人”生荣死哀的人生写下了完满的句号。     We’re here to
这部电影取材于上世纪30年代发生在美国的真实故事,讲的是德州一所黑人学院辩论队成长的故事。影片中有许多精彩的辩论片段。这里选用的与哈佛的辩论是虚构的,它的故事原型是威利学院辩论队与南加州大学的辩论,威利学院取得了这场辩论的胜利。    James Farmer: Resolved: Civil 1)disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for ju
由中国日报社与联想集团共同主办、21世纪英文报系承办的第十四届“21世纪·联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛经过连月来的激烈竞争,终于在今年4月份落下帷幕。60名来自中国大陆和港澳台地区的总决赛选手于上海一决雌雄。来自清华大学的金璐,辽宁大学的苏宁馨和来自北京语言大学的陈艺分获冠、亚、季军。   大赛由已备演讲、即席演讲及问答等部分组成。赛程自每年的5-6月至次年4月,分为全国预选赛、地区决赛、全国总决赛等
阳光、空气,开花、结果,蜜蜂、蝴蝶。  这些都是多么美好的东西,随处可见,而且分文不取。但如果说,有一天,这些美好可能会不再唾手可得、理所当然,你会说这是天方夜谭吗?  现在,全球各地都在讨论全球变暖,我们不得不承认阳光和空气可真要出状况了。如今又说,一直籍籍无名、无私奉献的小蜜蜂也面临危机了,我们还能坐得住吗?    It’s a tiny animal making big headlines
Pray to what earth does this sweet cold belong, Which asks no duties and no 1)conscience?  The moon goes up by leaps, her cheerful path  In some far summer 2)stratum of the sky,  While stars with thei
The Seeds     As a child, my own creations were certainly 1)luxuriant. The things my imagination came up with…. A whole world up in that little end room high up in my parents’ house near 2)Belfast. He