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今年以来,山东省胶南市按照青岛市“一核、三区、三廊、多点”总体规划和“十绿”工程建设的总体要求,以改善自然生态环境、建设宜居胶南、打造幸福城市为目标,以加快城乡生态建设、统筹人与自然和谐发展为主线,大力实施城乡绿化造林,着力打造绿色生态胶南。截至目前,全市已完成投资6.16亿元,新造林2.56万亩,占全部工程量的102.4%;村庄绿化已完成500个,占绿化村庄数的100%。创新思路,以大环境理念谋划城乡绿化工作 This year, Jiaonan City, Shandong Province, in accordance with the overall requirements of the “one core, three districts, three corridors, multiple points” overall planning and “ten green” project construction in Qingdao City, in order to improve the natural ecological environment and build Livable Jiaonan , To create a happy city as the goal, in order to speed up the ecological construction of urban and rural areas, co-ordinate the harmonious development of man and nature as the main line, vigorously implement afforestation in urban and rural areas, and strive to build a green eco-Jiaonan. Up to now, the city has completed an investment of 616 million yuan, 25,600 mu of new afforestation, accounting for 102.4% of the total works; village afforestation has been completed 500, accounting for 100% of the number of afforestation villages. Innovative ideas, the concept of environmental planning urban and rural greening work
应用材料(Applied Materials)公司日前宣布一项突破性技术,可借由全新的Applied Producer Onyx薄膜处理系统,降低半导体晶片的耗电量。低k值薄膜用于隔绝晶片中长达数里的导
各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),计划单列市建委,国务院有关部门: 近两年来,很多省、市抗震管理部门加强了对建设工程抗震设防的管理,对建设工程的抗震设计质量进行了审
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