大众日报70年 经典

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70年来,大众日报无论作为中共中央山东分局机关报、中共中央华东局机关报,还是作为中共山东省委机关报,始终是党和人民事业的一个重要组成部分。战火纷飞的岁月,大众日报像一面高扬的旗帜,激励着山东和华东军民争取民族独立、人民解放的斗志。新中国成立以来,特别是进入改革开放新的历史时期,大众日报引领社会舆论,高奏改革旋律,高唱奋进凯歌,服务工作大局。每当历史的转折关头、每当发展的关键时期,大众日报都吹响解放思想的号角,擂响改革发展的战鼓,为激励人民积极投身改革开放的伟大事业做出了积极贡献。 For 70 years, Public Daily has always been an important part of the cause of the party and its people, both as the organ of the Shandong branch of the CPC Central Committee, the newspaper of the East China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, or as the organ of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee. The years when war was swollen and the banner of the People’s Daily were like high banners propelled the militaries of Shandong and East China in their fight for national independence and people’s liberation. Since the founding of New China, especially during the new historical period of reform and opening up, the Dazhong Daily leads the social public opinion and has played a key role in reforming the melody, singing the achievements of the triumphant campaign and serving the overall work. Whenever the turning point of history turns out to be a crucial period for its development, the Dazhong Daily has sounded the horn of emancipating the mind and beating the drum of reform and development, making a positive contribution to encouraging the people to actively join the great cause of reform and opening up.
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