Coded overlapped code division multiplexing system with Turbo product structure

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhu986
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Coded overlapped code division multiplexing system with Turbo product structure (TPC-OVCDM) is introduced,and trellis coded modulation (TCM) code is employed as error correcting code for uncoded overlapped code division multiplexing (OVCDM) system. In such a scheme,row code and column code are TCM and OVCDM spreading code,respectively. Data bits are only encoded directly by TCM and transformed into a matrix. Each column of this matrix is then permuted by symbol interleaver before being encoded by OVCDM spreading code. During iterative decoding process in the receiver,two constituent decoders use symbol by symbol BCJR algorithm in the log domain. The order of decoding two sub-codes is determined by the encoding order. The proportion of TCM coding and OVCDM coding affects system performance. For fixed coding structure and symbol interleaver,the performance of TPC-OVCDM systems of different proportions of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel have been simulated. The results show that TPC-OVCDM system of reasonable proportion can achieve significant coding gain,compared with uncoded OVCDM system under the condition of same spectral efficiency at bit error rate (BER) level of 10-5. Coded overlapped code division multiplexing system with Turbo product structure (TPC-OVCDM) is introduced, and trellis coded modulation (TCM) code is employed as error correcting code for uncoded overlapped code division multiplexing (OVCDM) system. Each column of this matrix is ​​then permuted by symbol interleaver before being encoded by the OVCDM spreading code. During iterative decoding process in The receiver of two constituent decoders use symbol by symbol BCJR algorithm in the log domain. The order of decoding two sub-codes is determined by the encoding order. The proportion of TCM coding and OVCDM coding affects system performance. For fixed coding structure and symbol interleaver, the performance of TPC-OVCDM systems of different proportions of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel have been simulated. The results show t hat TPC-OVCDM system of reasonable proportion can achieve significant coding gain, compared with uncoded OVCDM system under the condition of same spectral efficiency at bit error rate (BER) level of 10-5.
我院自1998年1月—12月应用去甲氧柔红霉素治疗50例初治白血病,取得较好疗效。1 材料与方法1.1 病例选择50例初治急性白血病患者均为我院住院病人,其诊断依据临床、实验室
This article reviewed recent progresses in the design of a new class of chemical oscillators and developed a generic model that could qualitatively reproduce th
病例介绍1.1 例 1,男 ,6 0岁 ,因双下肢出血性斑丘疹于 1997年 8月 15日入院。自述 2 0 d前因感冒后双下肢出现红色斑丘疹 ,不痒 ,无鼻出血及齿龈出血 ,曾服扑尔敏、赛庚定