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随着代表人诉讼案件的不断增多,我国民事诉讼法对代表人诉讼的规定显得过于原则,难以操作,有待于立法上的完善,以适应现代社会发展的需要.笔者从理论与实务的角度,对代表人诉讼的特征,代表人诉讼的立案、管辖、公告、代表人的选定、更换、权限,代表人诉讼的举证责任,代表人诉讼的和解、判决、上诉以及代表人诉讼的执行等问题进行了研究,提出了一些粗浅的观点. With the increasing number of representative litigations, the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China on representative litigation appear to be too principled and difficult to operate, awaiting legislative improvement to meet the needs of the development of modern society. From the perspective of theory and practice, Characteristics of representative litigation, filing, jurisdiction, announcement of representative litigation, selection, replacement, authority of representative, burden of proof on representative litigation, settlement of representative litigation, judgments, appeals and execution of representative litigation The problem has been studied and some superficial opinions have been put forward.
离子的内容和分布特征,n链烷,并且在 Yuzhufeng ( YZF )冰河和冰河是的小 Dongkemadi ( XDKMD )上的雪坑的多不的芳香的烃在离子和二有机化合物之间的 studied.Parameter 特征
为了分析二雪之间的差别,盖住数据,在从 1951 ~ 2005 的中国的 884 个气象学的车站的雪盖子数据被数。数据包括视觉雪观察,雪深度,和雪盖子持续时间的天,它根据雪盖子天的不同定义
In this study,seasonal variation characteristics of surface soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC)and soil microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN)of an artificial vegetatio
One of the main construction problems in permafrost regions is protecting permafrost thermal stability. Although ventilating ducts and crushed-rock layers were
目的:探究血清中 CA125 联合 HE4 对子宫内膜异位症诊断价值。方法选取 2017 年 2 月至 2019 年 2 月在我院治疗的子宫内膜异位症患者 58 例为研究对象,选取同期体检的健康患者