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目前国内外工业与民用建筑中,对混凝土强度的检测广泛采用的是回弹表面硬度法、超声脉冲法、以及由两者结合进行的超声回弹综合法。一般操作过程是人工读数记录,然后将记下的数据从键盘输入计算机进行处理。整个过程比较繁琐,容易出差错,由于当时得不到结果,不容易及时发现现场测试过程中的问题。为了消除这些不足之处,很有必要实现超声回弹法自动无损伤检测混凝土强度。即在现场自动进行超声检测仪、回弹仪的数据输入、处理和结果打印。这样减少了测试过程中的劳动量和人为误差,提高了工作效率。目前国内有几个单位也在进行这方面的研究工作,我们从技术、经济 At present, domestic and foreign industrial and civil buildings, the detection of concrete strength is widely used rebound surface hardness method, ultrasonic pulse method, and the combination of the two ultrasonic rebound method. The general operation process is a manual reading record, and the recorded data is then input from the keyboard to the computer for processing. The whole process is cumbersome and error-prone. As the result was not available at the time, it was not easy to find the problems in the field test process in time. In order to eliminate these deficiencies, it is necessary to realize the ultrasonic rebound method to automatically detect the strength of concrete without damage. That is, the data input, processing and result printing of the ultrasonic tester and the rebound tester are automatically performed in the field. This reduces the amount of labor and human error in the test process and improves work efficiency. At present, there are several units in the country that are conducting research work in this area. We are from technology and economy.
宝鸡市宝成小学和双语学校大队部,在开展社会主义荣辱观教育活动中,涌 Baoji City, Baocheng primary school and bilingual school brigade, in carrying out the socialis
本文报告实验动物全身给予牛血清白蛋白(BSA)后,局部注射抗BSA抗血清,在牙周膜和皮肤诱发可逆性局部过敏坏死反应。本组实验动物为6只成年雌猴,分别静注BSA 100毫克(1只),50
请你移动一根火柴棒,使四个算式都成立。移火柴棒 Please move a match stick so that all four formulas are valid. Move the matchstick
龈上菌斑在单纯性龈炎病因中的作用以及控制龈上菌斑对治疗单纯性龈炎的作用已有充分的论述,但是龈下菌斑在破坏性牙周病的病因学和发病学中的作用则认识较差。 The role o