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“两学一做”学习教育,即“学党章党规,学系列讲话,做合格党员”学习教育,是一项需长期坚持的学习教育,开展“两学一做”学习教育,是落实党章关于加强党员教育管理要求、面向全体党员深化党内教育的重要实践,是巩固拓展党的群众路线教育实践活动和“三严三实”专题教育成果,推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展、从集中性教育向经常性教育延伸的重要举措,是加强党的思想政治建设的重要部署,对于推动全面从严治党向基层延伸、保持发展党的先进性和纯洁性具有重大意义。对高校开展“两学一做”学习教育的一些实际进行思考并提出相应的措施,有一定的意义。 To study and educate “two studies and one education”, that is, “to learn the party rules and regulations, learn a series of speeches and be a qualified party member” is a long-standing study and education program that requires long-term “two studies and one education” To study and educate is an important practice in implementing the party constitution on strengthening the education and management requirements of party members and deepening inner-party education for all party members. It is also an important task of consolidating and expanding the Party’s mass line education practice activities and special education achievements of “three strictures and three truths” Education is an important move that extends from the “key minority” to the majority of party members and extends from centralized education to regular education. It is an important measure for strengthening the ideological and political construction of the party and is an integral part of promoting comprehensive and strict party-to-grassroots extension and maintaining development The advanced nature and purity of the party are of great significance. It is of some significance for some colleges and universities to carry out the study and education of “one study, two studies and one education” and put forward some corresponding measures.
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