
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DisSmile
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党的十一届三中全会以来,物资行业的广大干部,为深化物资体制改革,发展物资流通事业,积极的参加各种学习,有近5000名经理、厂长参加了全国统考,有近10万名干部参加了各种形式的短期培训,有4万多人取得了大专或中专文凭,从而大大改善了干部队伍的文化知识结构,提高了文化、业务素质。但也应当指出,十年来,在物资干部教育中,忽视了马克思主义的理论教育,广大干部特别是各级领导干部的理论水平不高是影响物资工作总体水平提高的一个根本原因。毛泽东同志指出:“不重视学习理论,天天搞事务,一定要迷失方 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a total of nearly 5,000 managers and directors participated in the national examination for the deepening of the reform of the material system and the development of materials circulation, and actively participated in various studies since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, nearly 10 Some 10,000 cadres attended various forms of short-term training and more than 40,000 people had obtained diplomas of tertiary education or secondary education, thus greatly improving the cultural knowledge structure of cadres and raising their cultural and professional qualifications. However, it should be pointed out that over the past decade, Marxist theoretical education has been neglected in the education of materials and cadres. The low theoretical level of a large number of cadres, especially that of leading cadres at all levels, is one of the fundamental causes that affects the overall level of materials and materials work. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: "Do not attach importance to learning theory, engage in business every day, we must lose the square
苏州有个人,是过去某位宰相的同姓族人,有次游玩时,在某景点的墙上写道:“大丞相再从侄(和丞相同一个曾祖的兄弟的儿子)某某到此一游。”有个叫李璋的读书人,平时喜欢开玩笑,游到此处,见此涂鸦,就在旁边写道:“混元皇帝(指老子,名李耳)第三十七代孙李璋接着到了此处。”  看来往脸上贴金的事,自古有之。想起前年秋天,举世瞩目的诺贝尔化学奖评出,我国科学家与这一殊荣无缘。不过,安徽省某中学的校园里却喜气洋洋
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<正> 现行被装保障体制实际上是一种统供与分供相结合的体制。从战略后勤这一级来说是统供的,三军的被装物资和经费由总后军需部统一筹措、统一供应;从战役后期开始,便是“三
读初中时,数学老师针对男女同学闹矛盾批评说:“一男一女合在一起方是‘好’!”此话至今记忆犹新。其实,何止“好”如此,“人”亦如此。“人”字由一撇一捺组成,我觉得那撇就是男人,捺是女人,撇和捺组合在一起,方才成其为人!  这一点,自从妻子过世后我感受颇深。这一年多来,只要在家,我随时随地都能感受到妻子的存在,屋子里到处是我们共同生活的痕迹:从客厅到厨房,从卧室到阳台;照片、围裙、衣柜、鞋架、小摆设,
美国的战略家都十分重视通信。海军战略家Adm.Mahan 曾断然宣称“通信把握战争”,而Gen.Gurits Le May 则提出了一个新观点:“总统可以任命你为将军,但只有通信才能使你成为
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