
来源 :中国党政干部论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gytryer784
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全面推进依法治国和法治中国建设是庞大复杂的社会系统工程,其内容十分丰富,包括党的领导、科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法等诸多方面党的十八大以来,习近平总书记先后就依法治国、法治中国发表了一系列重要讲话,主要是在纪念现行宪法公布施行30周年大会上的讲话、在2013年中央政治局第四次集体学习时的讲话、在2014年中央政法工作会议上的讲话等,这些讲话提出了依法治国、法治中国建设的新思路、新观点、新要求,明确了推进社会主义法治国家建设的基本思路,丰富 To comprehensively promote the principle of governing the country according to law and the rule of law in China is a huge and complex social system project with very rich contents including party leadership, scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair judiciary, and law-abiding citizens. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping Successively delivered a series of important speeches on governing the country according to law and on the rule of law in China, mainly in remarks at the 30th anniversary of the announcement of the current constitution, the speech at the Fourth Collective Study of the Central Political Bureau in 2013, These speeches set forth new ideas, new ideas and new requirements for governing the country according to law and for the rule of law in China, clarifying the basic ideas for promoting the building of a socialist country ruled by law and enriching
【正】 一、发展大企业集团的目的 为什么要发展大企业集团?决策层、部门和企业在这个问题上的认识恐怕并不完全一致。决策层的目的在于通过组建和发展大企业集团来提高我国
【正】 今后五年内,国家将投资1000多亿元人民币,重点扶持八家轿车和微型汽车骨干企业,以使我国汽车工业在21世纪初成为年产值超万亿元的国民经济支柱产业。 这八家主要轿车
【正】 一、要充分认识发展国有控股公司的重大现实意义 1.组织创新,用企业管理企业,有利于从根本上解决政企职能分开这个历史难题。国有控股公司从本质上讲是一个企业,一种
Drinking water supply for the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) area principally relies on groundwater wells and springs and is characterized by fluoride contamination.