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<正> 本世纪初,英、法、美与新西兰等国家先后从我国引种栽培猕猴桃植物。新西兰二十年代初猕猴桃商业栽培的开始,七十年代后的迅速发展与迄今取得的巨大成就大大推动了世界
Background: An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed restriction (FR) and sex on the quantitative and qualitative carcass traits of Morada No
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in milk, and lactation is associated with increased glutamine utilization both for milk synthesis and as a fuel for th
Twelve lactating Friesian Cows with body weight of 450 to 550 kg and in the second to fifth lactating season were used after 8 weeks of calving in a complete sw
Background:Despite its variety of potential applications,the wide implementation of infrared technology in cattle production faces technical,environmental and b
<正> 一、香蕉营养特性(一)与营养有关的生长发育特点1.香蕉原产亚洲东南部(包括我国南部),系热带、亚热带多年生常绿大型草本植物。其生长迅速,产量高,生长发育过程要求高温
Ascites syndrome is still a problem for chicken industry in various parts of the world. Despite the intensive investigations of this syndrome for many years, it