另眼看小店 一块不可忽视的“大蛋糕”

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曾几何时,以大卖场为首的零售商纷纷向供应厂家转嫁经营成本。一时间,商品进场费、产品陈列费、促销堆头费、店庆费、DM宣传费、促销人员管理费等各种收费名目接踵而来,让厂家应接不暇。一些客流大、生意红火的酒吧、餐厅也不甘落伍,紧紧尾随其后,向供应商堂而皇之地收起了新品进店费、促销买断费等一系列名目繁多的准入费用。生产厂家若想进入其中售卖,就不得不支付高额的渠道成本。不仅这样,如果一不小心, Once upon a time, retailers led by supermarkets have passed on operating costs to suppliers. For a time, merchandise admission fees, product display fees, promotional Duitou fee, store fare, DM promotional expenses, promotional management fees and other fees and charges followed, so that manufacturers overwhelmed. Some large passenger and business booming bar, restaurant is not outdone, followed closely followed by suppliers to openly put away the new into the store costs, promotional buyout fees and a wide range of a wide range of admission costs. If manufacturers want to enter the sale, they have to pay high channel costs. Not only that, if accidentally,
On the death of his wealthy oldfather, Duncan inherited a lot ofmoney and property, but though hisfather had always been a verygenerous man, Duncan was of a ve
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直销立法出台后,保健食品准入门槛骤升 7月1日,关于规范我国保健食品市场的两部法规——《保健食品广告审查暂行规定》和《保健食品注册管理办法(试行)》开始实施。其中明确
A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his5-year-old son waiting for him at the door. “Daddy, may I ask you aquestion?” “Yeah, s