Synthesis of poly(ethylene glycol)-functionalized hydroxyapatite organic colloid intended for nanoco

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlev19
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Traditional modifications to hydroxyapatite(HA) nanoparticles usually occurred after HA synthesis and thus are insufficient to avoid particle agglomeration.In this study,a new heterofunctional poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) with phosphoric acid and carboxyl end groups,i.e.,α-(N-2-phosphoethyl phosphoric acid)-amide,ω-carboxyl-bismethyoxy poly(ethylene glycol)(ADP-PEG-COOH),was synthesized as an in situ surface modifier to HA nanoparticles.The resulting modified HA(ADP-PEG-HA) can disperse in methanol,forming a colloid stabilized by peripheral carboxyl-endcapped PEG chains.The colloidal particles resembled nanospheres which agglomerated to some extent under examination by transmission electron microscope.This highly dispersible HA nanoparticles in organic solvent might find application in preparing new HA nanocomposites. Traditional modifications to hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles usually occurred after HA synthesis and thus are insufficient to avoid particle agglomeration. In this study, a new heterofunctional poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) with phosphoric acid and carboxyl end groups, ie, α- (ADP-PEG-COOH), was synthesized as an in situ surface modifier to HA nanoparticles. The resulting modified HA (ADP-PEG- HA) can disperse in methanol, forming a colloid stabilized by peripheral carboxyl-endcapped PEG chains. The colloidal particles resembled nanospheres which agglomerated to some extent under examination by transmission electron microscope. This highly dispersible HA nanoparticles in organic solvent might find application in preparing new HA nanocomposites.
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1938年 Banting 等首先描述了经过胰岛素(INS)休克治疗的病人对 INS 产生抗药性,并认为在这类人群中存在 INS 抗体.本文就糖尿病患者对外源(?)NS 产生的免疫反应及其对糖尿