航天科工集团 把握重大事件 绘就航天精彩

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近年来,中国航天科工集团公司新闻宣传工作紧紧围绕国防科技工业建设和国民经济建设,在国防科技工业局的业务指导下,加强策划,突出主题,不断创新方式方法,以重大事件为契机,以中央媒体为载体,有效宣传了航天科工的形象与实力。尤其在科技奥运、抗震救灾、珠海航展等大型对外宣传活动中,通过精心策划和组织宣传,对内引导员工解放思想,提升员工的责任感与荣誉感;对外成功展示了集团公司 In recent years, the press and propaganda work of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation has focused on the construction of the national defense science and technology industry and the national economy. Under the guidance of the business of the National Defense Science and Technology Industrial Bureau, efforts have been made to strengthen the planning, highlighting the theme, innovating ways and means, and taking major events as a turning point , With the central media as the carrier, effectively promoted the image and strength of the Aerospace Science and Industry. In particular, in the large-scale publicity activities such as the technology Olympics, earthquake relief and Zhuhai Airshow, the Company internally guided employees to emancipate their minds and enhance their sense of responsibility and honor by carefully planning and organizing publicity. The successful demonstration of the Group Company
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