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  Comprehensive materials in the contemporary Chinese art development pattern of painting as a kind of new art form by people to love and attachment, more and more artists involved in the composite materials of painting creation. What is synthetic material painting? As the name implies, it is a comprehensive use of various physical properties of the art of painting. Obviously, comprehensive material painting first belongs to the category of painting, which is a new form of expression in the field of painting. Comprehensive material painting is an important material. Material is the material carrier for the survival and expression of painting, and any painting creation cannot leave certain materials. Different materials make different paintings, such as linen oil and various toner.
  It breaks through the boundary of traditional painting materials, expands the use and scope of materials, and improves the artistic expression of painting without restraint, after the opening of modern art. By Picasso's cubism started in the late wallpaper, oil canvas, cardboard, music, sand, sawdust and other ready-made objects, and art of painting materials, as another kind of means, and painting, collage, and posted in the diagram, which is closer to the vision "reality" of life. Forming a texture effect different from a single oil painting material is called "synthetic cubism". Picasso to prepare materials materials, bold, free to use, and creatively applied to the needs of the oil painting art services, and began to break the boundary of the traditional painting a single material, expand people's understanding of paintings and art concept, thus become integrated material painting day after day. The origin of development. Contemporary nature is a distinctive feature of the age of comprehensive material painting. The contemporary nature of this era is first of all the depiction of time. Comprehensive material painting is a new form of artistic expression created in the contemporary era. Modernism discovered the beauty of materials and explored and expressed them as a unique and important factor in aesthetics, thus expanding the new field of aesthetic expression. Therefore, comprehensive material painting is a product of contemporary culture and a concept in contemporary context. It reflects the contemporary people's new aesthetic pursuit and the need to express individual freedom. It is the appeal of contemporary artists to pursue the creation characteristics of The Times and to reflect the new artistic expression forms of contemporary society. Desire to be satisfied. The essence of contemporary characteristics of comprehensive material painting is the creativity of the age that cannot be returned, which clearly shows the contemporary nature of contemporary artists' thinking and the change of artistic conception.Contemporary Chinese comprehensive material painting is creating and displaying its own artistic characteristics. Many contemporary artists in the world have shown great creativity in comprehensive material painting, such as Taples in Spain, Keifer in Germany and so on. Although the development of China's comprehensive material painting is not long in the future, it shows surprisingly pleasant creativity and strong development momentum. As with other forms of painting, the comprehensive material painting is faced with the profound artistic tradition of carrying on China for thousands of years. It can draw abundant nutrition from it, and obtain useful reference and reference from the western art tradition and the present and contemporary art course, which all constitute the good development of Chinese contemporary comprehensive material painting. Profound cultural and artistic soil and broad and distant academic horizons. And for the contemporary Chinese society and the spiritual world of the people, the comprehensive material painting has gained a more deep internal performance and the leading direction of national characteristics.   The comprehensive material painting, which is formed and developed in the contemporary cultural context, is not only a new form of artistic expression for Chinese contemporary art, but also a new way of showing a new way of thinking of art, a new angle to watch the world and a new way to express the thought of art. In the new aesthetic perspective, the possible materials that are ready to come into the artistic expression, make a distinctive language form through the talent of the artists, constantly impact on the visual experience of the people, and bring more unexpected and happy new experiences in the vision and psychology, and expand the spiritual world of the people of the contemporary society. And the creation of new images reflected by the mind and emotions. The free development of comprehensive material painting also brings more enlightenment to the self sustained and in-depth evolution and unremitting exploration of traditional single painting materials. The comprehensive material painting links the ancient and modern resources together, open and free the creative attitude, open up a new art field, show the high academic value of the study of the art noumenon language, and bring a variety of possibilities for the innovation and development of Chinese contemporary art, which presents its indispensable existence price. Value and the significance of the times. Contemporary Chinese comprehensive material painting is creating a more anticipated future.
摘要:北宋的内命妇的选任和晋升管理制度,在目前的宋代妇女史的研究中很少有人涉及,本文搜集了北宋内命妇出身的相关资料,分析他们的出身阶层;对内命妇的晋升管理也选取了显著的例子加以解释说明。  关键词:北宋;内命妇;选任;管理  内命妇在北宋的妇女中的地位比较显赫,在宋代的皇权政治中也占有重要的地位。他们对宋代皇权交替时期的政治稳定起了不可替代的作用。虽然在近十几年来,宋代妇女研究取得了一定的成果,但
摘要:本文依据合作原则与礼貌原则等语用学中的理论,分析了由李碧华所著小说《霸王别姬》中两位主人公在后台单间的经典对话。分析发现,在具体的语境中,人们会依据说话对象,选用不同的策略来表达自己的情感诉求。言语行为理论,模糊限制语等理论都是给我们提供思路去理解和分析生活中和文学作品中的对话,但不能生硬地套用合作理论和礼貌原则。  关键词:霸王别姬;合作原则;礼貌原则  一、引言  本文分析的剧本是与著名
摘要:作为称谓词的“单身汉”在现代汉语普通话中指的是一个人成年以后没有配偶一个人生活,没结婚、已离异或者是丧偶的都可以称为“单身汉”,其方言异称成词理据很多都是属于古语成分的残留。“單身汉”的单音节古称主要有“鳏、寡”等,双音节古称主要有“光棍、单身、寡公、鳏夫”等。本文通过对“单身汉”古代异称的考源,从而揭示其方言异称的主要来源。  关键词:单身汉;古称;考源  一、“单身汉”古称  1.1“寡
摘要:文章阐述了上海高校多校区形成的背景、现状和特征,及由此对治安管理产生的影响。同时,对上海部分高校开展了问卷调研,并在此基础上以图表形式描述了多校区背景下高校的治安现状,其中包括安全隐患、原因分析、教育状况等,并从五个方面提出了建立“大校园安全观”的治安管理体系理念。  关键词:多校区;治安;平安校园  20世纪90年代以来,上海高等教育体制改革取得了突破性进展,进行了大规模合并、新建,形成一
摘要:功能服装的出现与发展都是应时代的召唤,是人类社会发展到一定层面所必需的产物。而此时的功能服装应用在我国却是一块即贫瘠又宽阔的领域,因此功能服装在我国的发展具有廣阔的空间。  关键词:功能服装  服装,作为人类生活的必须品,它最初是为了保护人体免受自然灾害而出现的。随着社会的发展,服装的功能发生了巨大的变化。纵观人类几千年的发展,服装成为了展现每个时代的面貌的镜子,服装的文化政治等属性被不断的
摘要:本篇文章首先对机械制造业现状进行阐述,从地位性、经济性、产业性三个方面入手,对信息化技术在机械制造中的应用趋势进行解析,并以此为依据,提出信息化技术在机械制造中的应用对策。  关键词:信息化技术;机械制造;应用  一、机械制造业现状  当前我国正处于发展阶段,所有产品研发以及生产都应该具备适用性,尤其针对机械制造领域来说,其已经步入到人机发展环境中,在这种模式下,不但能够有效提升生产效率,同
摘要:这篇文章讲述了新时期企业战略管理中所出现的种种问题,并分析了影响企业战略管理的因素。针对这些情况,笔者提出了解决和完善企业战略管理的方法,希望能够给相关的企业管理人员提供参考意见,让新时期的企业能够更加健康的发展下去。  关键词:新时期;战略管理;问题  一、企业战略管理的含义、特征及战略选择  (一)企业战略管理的含义。所谓企业战略管理,就是指企业在之后的发展中的前进方向和经营目标,另外,
摘要:近些年来,中国的经济得到了飞速的发展,社会得到了巨大的进步,随着我国工业化水平的不断提升,机加工已经成为了非常重要的工作内容,我们必须要对工业成本进行有效的控制和优化,从而提升工厂生产效率,全面提高企业的经济效益。本文就机加工的工艺成本方面进行了综合性的探讨和研究,对成本控制工作进行了分析,提出了相关的优化路径,希望能够为相关工业企业的发展提供一定的帮助和支持。  关键词:机加工工艺;成本控