
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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随着农村中农业生产责任制的巩固和发展,使用拖拉机的农民越来越多。拖拉机不仅用于农业生产,而且更多地用于运输。拖拉机在发动时,机车会产生振动,手扶拖拉机的振动频率达53次/秒以上,如果上高速挡时,则振动频率可在100~250次/秒,在这样的振动频率下操作,时间一长,就会导致“振动病”.由于拖拉机的振动,常使驾驶人员两手臂受到强烈的振动,导致手臂发麻、酸、痛、蚁行感,手指感觉减退等症状,尤其在夜间休息或在寒冷的季节里比较明显。严重者还会出现手臂皮肤苍白、青 With the consolidation and development of the agricultural production responsibility system in rural areas, more and more farmers use tractors. Tractors are used not only for agricultural production but also for more transportation. Tractor at the time of the launch, the locomotive will produce vibration, walking tractor vibration frequency of 53 times / second or more, if the high-speed gear, the vibration frequency can be 100 to 250 times / second, at such vibration frequency operation, time A long, it will lead to “vibration sickness.” Due to the tractor vibration, often make the driver two arms are subjected to strong vibration, leading to numbness, soreness, pain, ants sense of line, fingers feel diminished and other symptoms, Rest at night or in the cold season is more obvious. In severe cases there will be arm skin pale, blue
  The order Artiodactyla contains many species around the world including many endangered ones.For the purpose of conservation and genetic studies on Artiodac
1987年4月24~25日由中华医学会广西分会劳动卫生、职业病学会和桂林市劳动保护技术学会联合组织人机学报告会,邀请联邦德国多特蒙德大学、劳动 1987 April 24 ~ 25 by the C