Controllable synthesis of high aspect ratio Mg_2B_2O_5 nanowires and their applications in reinforce

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q4828079
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Highly pure magnesium borate(Mg2B2O5) nanowires with an average diameter of ~ 30 nm, an average length of~ 15 μm, and a high aspect ratio of ~ 500 have been synthesized on a large scale via a two-step method. MgBO2(OH)nanowires with high aspect ratios were first prepared via a PVP-assisted hydrothermal technique. Using these nanowires as precursors, single crystalline Mg2B2O5nanowires were synthesized by post-annealing treatment at a relatively low temperature of 700?C. The important effect of the MgBO2(OH)–Mg2B2O5conversion process on the morphology of the Mg2B2O5nanowires was investigated and it was indicated that the recrystallization process plays an important role in the protection of the one-dimensional(1D) nanostructure. Moreover, the rigidity and the toughness of the Mg2B2O5nanowirereinforced PHA composites were tremendously improved compared to those of the pure PHA. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of Mg2B2O5nanowires for reinforcement applications in polymer composites. Highly pure magnesium borate (Mg2B2O5) nanowires with an average diameter of ~ 30 nm, an average length of ~ 15 μm, and a high aspect ratio of ~ 500 have been synthesized on a large scale via a two-step method. ) nanowires with high aspect ratios were first prepared via a PVP-assisted hydrothermal technique. Using these nanowires as precursors, single crystalline Mg2B2O5nanowires were synthesized by post-annealing treatment at a relatively low temperature of 700 ° C. The important effect of the MgBO2 ( OH) -Mg2B2O5conversion process on the morphology of the Mg2B2O5nanowires was investigated and it was indicated that the recrystallization process plays an important role in the protection of the one-dimensional (1D) nanostructure. Moreover, the rigidity and the toughness of the Mg2B2O5nanowirereinforced PHA composites were tremendously improved compared to those of the pure PHA. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of Mg2B2O5nanowires for reinforcement applications in polyme r composites.
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