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黄宝春,1952年出生,任职于福州市公安局交警支队,现为中国书法家协会会员,福建省政协画室画家,福建省书法家协会理事,福州市鼓楼区书法家协会主席。书法作品入展全国第八届书法展,全国首届敦煌书法艺术节,全国书法小品展,第二届全国中青年书法篆刻家作品展览;荣获第一届、第二届、第三届全国公安“卫士之光”书画展二等奖、三等奖和一等奖;在福建省公安系统“卫士之光”书画展第一届、第二届、第三届和第四届均获一等奖;获第五届全国公安系统“金盾文化工程”书法三等奖;于中央国家三十部联合举办的书法展览中获三等奖。并在全国和省、市书法展览 Huang Bao Chun, born in 1952, worked in Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment, is now a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Fujian Province CPPCC studio painter, Fujian Province Calligraphers Association, Fuzhou Drum Tower District Calligrapher Association chairman. Calligraphy works entered the Eighth Calligraphy Exhibition, the first Dunhuang Calligraphy Festival, the National Calligraphy Exhibition, the second session of young and middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition; won the first, second, third national public security “Guardian Light” painting and calligraphy exhibition second prize, third prize and first prize; in Fujian Province Public Security System “Guardian Light ” calligraphy and painting exhibition first, second, third and fourth are Won the first prize; by the Fifth National Public Security System “Golden Shield Cultural Project ” third prize of calligraphy; in Central China thirty jointly held calligraphy exhibition won the third prize. And in the country and province, city calligraphy exhibition
目的 运用计算机仿真方法模拟并探讨军运会医疗保障过程中的卫生运力配置问题.方法 分析第七届世界军人运动会医疗保障过程中,18个比赛场馆、5个伤病员转运协调中心、2个医疗
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目的 探讨RNA干扰(RNAi)介导的沉默腺病毒E1A基因对腺病毒复制的影响.方法 使用靶向腺病毒E1A区的小干扰RNA(siRNA)转染A549细胞,然后以腺病毒感染细胞.观察siRNA对腺病毒E1A
他系列‘最后的衣裳 陶雕塑作品欣赏@杜宏宇 He series’ final clothes Tao sculpture appreciation @ Du Hongyu
目的 通过总结新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情世界性大流行以来,马里维和任务区中国二级医院所采取的一系列疫情防控措施,为海外维和部队应对经空气传播传染病暴发提供借鉴.
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目的 探讨造血干祖细胞在缺乏造血因子作用下细胞的死亡方式以及细胞铁死亡关键调控蛋白GPX4表达水平的变化;探索铁死亡抑制剂Fer-1(Ferrostatin-1)联合造血因子作用对造血细