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When we read Shake speare’s tragedies,we can not help feeling thatthe most painful and the most pathetic one might be Othello.For inHamlet,the hero knows his rival olearly to be his uncle clandius,themost vicious,incestus villain,thus he is on guard;in King Lear,theold king is the only victim of human ingratitude;only in othello,thenoble hearted hero is completely in the darkness,unaware of his enemy,and mislays his trust upon the most incomparably ingenious and unscru-pulous villain.He is led by the nose.to believe that his newly weddedwife is not as pure as he has thought before and finally to strangle thesublimely innocent and pure angel upon her wedding sheet,conceiving ofhimself as the agent not of vengeance but of divine justice.This mightbe the cruelest act that has ever happened inhuman history.This tragedyis partly due to the intrigues of the shameless villain Iago,partly dueto the vunerableness of the hero’s character. When we read Shake speare’s tragedies, we can not help feeling that the most painful and the most pathetic one might be be Othello.For inHamlet, the hero knows his rival olearly to be his uncle clandius, themost vicious, incestus villain, thus he is on guard ; in King Lear, theold king is the only victim of human ingratitude; only in othello, thenoble hearted hero is completely in the darkness, unaware of his enemy, and mislays his trust upon the most incomparably ingenious and unscru-pulous villain. He is led by the nose.to believe that his newly weddedwife is not as pure as he has thought before and finally to strangle theslittle innocent and pure angel upon her wedding sheet, conceiving ofhimself as the agent not of vengeance but of divine justice.This mightbe the cruelest act that has ever happened inhuman history. This tragedyis partly due to the intrigues of the shameless villain Iago, partly dueto the vunerableness of the hero’s character.
苹果公司于北京时间3月3日凌晨2点,在美国旧金山芳草地艺术中心召开特别发布会,正式发布iPad 2平板电脑及iOS 4.3操作系统。此前一直传闻健康状况恶化的CEO斯蒂夫·乔布斯(St
锡伯大饼加花花菜    在新疆,馕是最常见的食品,但在伊犁,凡来察布查尔锡伯自治县旅游的人如果不品尝一下锡伯大饼,那就白来了一趟。  我因为工作的关系,经常到察布查尔锡伯自治县出差,餐桌上少不了锡伯大饼,因此对这种锡伯族人每天都吃的面饼印象深刻。锡伯大饼作为锡伯族人日常主食的一部分,就像汉族人的米饭,维吾尔族的馕和哈萨克族的奶茶一样,一日三餐都少不了。锡伯大饼是用发好的酵面做的,锡伯族人将这种发面
老北京的饭馆里最不缺的就是人情味,有的奢华到了极致,有的便利实惠。这些老饭馆里发生的故事,让我们重新感受到那个时代北京城的生活气息。 The most important thing in t