齐心协力谋发展 扎扎实实办民兵——曲靖市麒麟区人武部党委抓自身建设成效卓著

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云南省曲靖市麒麟区人武部从1996年4月收归军队建制后,部党委一班人坚持从抓自身建设入手,着力在求团结、树形象、抓落实、谋发展上狠下功夫,全面建设有了新的发展。 增强党委班子的凝聚力 用良好的形象感染和带动全区民兵,是新形势下人武部建设的客观要求。因此,麒麟区人武部党委从抓理论学习入手,用正确的理论武装头脑,无论工作再忙,时间再紧,都坚持每月两天的学习。他们先后组织党委成员学习了邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论、新时期建军思想和江主席关于军队建设的论述等有关内容,并结合工作实际探索新形势下民兵预备役建设的新情况、新问题,有效地增强了党委决策的科学性和针对性,保证了党委对人武部建设和民兵预备役工作的正确领 After the military unit of Qilin District of Qujing City in Yunnan Province was reintegrated into the military establishment in April 1996, a group of party committee members insisted on starting with their own construction and focused their efforts on seeking unity, tree image, implementation and development, and comprehensively Construction has taken a new turn. Enhancing the cohesion of the party committees and teams With a good image to infect and bring along militia throughout the region is an objective requirement for the construction of the armed forces department under the new situation. Therefore, the Qilin District People’s Armed Police Department Party Committee started from grasping the theoretical study, armed with the correct theory of the mind, no matter how busy the work, the time tight, insisted on a two-day study a month. They successively organized party members to study Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the thought of establishing the army during the new period and Chairman Jiang’s treatise on army building, etc., and in light of the actual situation of the work, explore new situations and new problems in the construction of reserve forces in the militia. , Which effectively enhanced the scientificness and pertinence of party committee decision-making and ensured the party committee’s correct guidance to the establishment of the armed forces department and the reserve work of the militiamen
青头潜鸭(Aythya baeri)是近年来受到国际广泛关注的极危物种,全球种群数量不足1000只,中国作为其主要分布地,种群数量约为600—800只.松嫩平原是其历史繁殖地,而扎龙保护区