加速黄河治理开发 加强基础产业地位

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李鹏总理在全国七届人大四次会议上的报告与国民经济“八五”计划和十年规划纲要,确立了水利在国民经济中的基础产业地位,都把水利放在重要的战略地位。围绕国民经济的发展需要,“八五”期间,要加快黄河上游水电基地建设,开工建设小浪底水利枢纽工程、万家寨水利枢纽和引黄入晋工程,继续加高加固黄河堤防工程,进一步治理黄河中游水土重点流失区,加快河口三角洲的综合整治开发。这是党和国家进一步加强黄河治理开发的重大决策,也是沿黄 Premier Li Peng’s report on the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress and the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” and the 10-Year Plan of the National Economy have established the basic industrial status of water conservancy in the national economy and have placed water conservancy on an important strategic position. In the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, it is necessary to speed up the construction of hydropower bases in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, start the construction of the Xiaolangdi Water Control Project, the Wanjiazhai Water Control Project and the Yellow River diversion project, and continue to increase and reinforce the Yellow River dike and further control The key areas of water and soil loss in the middle reaches of the Yellow River will speed up the comprehensive improvement and development of the estuary delta. This is a major policy decision made by the party and the country to further strengthen the harnessing and development of the Yellow River. It is also along the Yellow River
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盘锦稻区位于辽河下游 ,现有水田 1 0余万公顷 ,正常年份平均单产已超过90 0 0kg/hm2 。然而近年来由于干旱少雨 ,上游水库供水不足给该区的水稻生产造成了严重影响。为缓解水资