How to Develop Folk Music and Pop Music in Chinese Mainland Classroom

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang514409411
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  【Abstract】There is an imbalance between the various types of music in Chinese music classes. This phenomenon is not only related to the school’s music textbooks, but also related to educators. China has a wealth of ethnic minorities. However, the proportion of music textbooks is more patriotic songs, as well as typical Western music. There is only a few folk music and pop music is basically impossible to appear in textbooks in primary and secondary schools. Educators play a vital role in the dissemination of diverse cultures. They engage in music activities both inside and outside the classroom according to students’ needs and preferences. Such multi-ethnic music culture education helps students deepen their understanding of other music cultures and improve them national identity. By eliminating prejudice against popular music, the pace of music education and music trends is kept consistent, and students’ enthusiasm for learning music is improved, and a variety of music cultures are developed together.
  【Key words】multiple music; folk music; pop music; national identity
  As a teacher, it is very important to balance the relationship between the culture you represent and other cultures. This article takes Chinese mainland as an example to study how educators bring diverse music culture to students. In China, there are huge ethnic groups, each with its own unique music culture, but I understand that most of the current primary and secondary school music content is the patriotic song of the mainland, as well as the western music culture, only a small amount of minority music culture, pop music will not appear in the music textbooks of primary and secondary schools. Of course, students will have many choices after entering the university. They no longer have to accept a certain kind of cultural education, and now the university will open a lot of music elective course, so this article only studies the music culture education of primary and secondary schools.
  Fitzpatrick (2012) believes that schools and teachers own cultures that think their students share the same culture with them and they are not interested in other cultures. However, there are 56 nations in China, it is inappropriate to teach a single music culture simply because of the teacher’s race. Students in the classroom have different cultural backgrounds and races, and they also have their own areas of interest. So, schools and teachers should establish classes suitable for students of all cultural backgrounds according to their cultural identity and interest as much as possible.   In the classroom, cultural identity and fairness in social identity help students to recognize that their cultural identity is effective and respected in the classroom. In the process of receiving education, their recognition of their race, culture and intelligence comes from teachers’ perception, so teachers play a very important role, affecting students’ ability to learn music and their affirmation of their personal identity. For all students, they have the right to understand other music cultures different from their own personal culture. Therefore, how schools and teachers integrate ethnic music and pop music into the classroom is the main goal of this paper.
  As the communicator of culture, teachers should first understand their students’ cognition and needs for self-identity, different students represent different cultural groups, and classrooms should be a place to support all kinds of cultures. Due to the different cultural background and development of different students, teachers should reduce the conflicts between family identity and classroom and find cultural consistency. Some students may have doubts and inferiority complex about their identity, because they are different from other cultures. In this case, teachers can find achievements that represent that kind of cultural identity, and then describe the same cultural identity and contribution of the association, which can encourage students to tell their stories and opinions about their cultural and stimulate their personal potential. For example, there are many famous musicians from ethnic minorities in China, such as Cedain Zhoima of the Tibetan nationality. And now, the last winner of many singing programs is ethnic minorities. Teachers can use this positive story to encourage students to boldly speak the music culture of their identity background, let them affirm their own culture and share with others. Each nation has a strong sense of their cultural identity, so based on this, when teachers show their own music and cultural content, the corresponding national cultural background of the students are proud to share their culture. This is an intuitive way for students to participate in multiple musical cultures and to re-establish their understanding of multiculturalism. Teachers can also show different music cultures to students through video, stories and so on, arousing students’ curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. They will be curious whose story it is, which culture is represented. In this way, students become passive and active, eliminating their strangeness to folk music culture.   The role of a teacher is to guide and support students in learning multiculturalism, but not all students have the same needs with teachers, and students have their own ideas. One kind of culture should not be allowed to be the yardstick of the whole classroom. Teachers could choose different ways to understand the national culture according to the needs of different children in the classroom. For example, a framework and background can be proposed for a certain culture to help students understand further, and then provide students with a space for exploration. They can present their own opinions and explore and communicate with classmates and teachers. During the discussion, students not only can enrich their own cultural background, but also can create a sense of identity with other cultures and forms a cultural sharing. Their parents can also be invited to participate in the classroom, because parents also play an important role in educating their children, so letting parents understand the diversity of the music culture helps to raise their children’s awareness of the culture of diversity. Music as a world language, can achieve interracial communication. (Bakagiannis
【摘要】在语言的学习过程中,文化意识对于学习者来说是十分重要的一部分,只有对文化大背景进行一定的了解,熟悉语言的文化内涵,才有助于其更好的对这门语言进行深入透彻的学习。然而在现如今的高中英语教学中很多教师都忽视了文化意识教学的重要性,进而严重影响了学生英语综合能力的提升,故而本次笔者针对在高中英语课堂中如何提升学生的文化意识进行了探讨与分析。  【关键词】高中英语课堂;文化意识;综合素质  【作者
【摘要】高中英语是学生进行英语学习的转渡期,初中英语为基础性知识内容,高中发生了很大变化,开始增加大量难度,加上担负着高考的沉重使命,这让高中英语教材的难度又增大了不少,特别是词汇量的难度也增大了不少,不管从单词个体结构上,还是总量上,都需要进行难度的克服,本文就高中英语词汇教学的有效方法,展开详细探索,希望带给学生好的词汇积累方式,给予正确学习指导。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇;教学  一、词汇
【摘要】学校发展的关键在教学,教学改革的中心在课堂,课堂作为教学的主阵地,是影响学校发展的关键因素。实践高职卓越英语课堂必然成为高职英语教学改革的重要举措。本文探讨了在“卓越”背景下如何构建高职卓越英语课堂。  【关键词】卓越课堂;高职英语;教学改革  卓越课堂是指杰出的高效课堂,它坚持德育为先、能力为重、以人为本的理念,从本质上转变了教师教学方式和学生学习方式,建立师生学习的共同体,能最大程度地
【摘要】 英语在当今世界已成为国际交流首选语言媒介。在英语通用语(ELF)背景下,大学英语教学要以培养“既能把国外先进文化引进来、又能把中华优秀文化传播出去的人才”为目标。为了实现这个目标,我们必须要把中华优秀传统文化融入大学英语教学当中。本文在中华优秀传统文化融入大学英语教学的内容选择上做了深入的探究,提出大学英语课程要教授中华优秀传统文化中具有普世价值观念和体现民族灵魂的知识,并论述了促进中华
【摘要】以就业为导向的高职英语教学是时代发展的风向,学生也是通过这样的一个学习可以更加的适应社会的发展,从而在社会上可以正确的找到自己的定位,而这个过程中,英语教学的创新就占了很大的部分,唯有创新才能够适应时代的发展。  【关键词】高职院校;教育创新;就业导向  【作者简介】李旸,山东司法警官职业学院。  前言  当今社会是一个充满机遇的社会,而就这样的社会大坏境下,需要的人才定是需要适应时代发展
本期阿拉:男,32岁,白领,抽烟族。为了得到准岳父的认可,他开始了痛苦的戒烟之旅。  1.初装  阿拉今年三十二了,和女朋友王倩倩谈了两年多恋爱,自己认为应该谈婚论嫁了。他已经带倩倩去见过父母,就等着倩倩发出相应的邀请,可倩倩一直按兵不动,他又不敢造次,只能按捺住性子,满心期待。  守得云开见月明,这天倩倩正式通知他,周末到准岳父岳母家吃饭。“第一印象很重要!”倩倩再三叮嘱。  “那是!那是!”阿
杰弗里·萨克斯哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主联合国可持续发展行动网络领导委员会主席  可持续发展理念指的是全世界应该共享一个繁荣、公平、环境可持续发展的经济体系。这一理念将经济目标、社会正义和环境可持续发展结合起来,目的是让地球上的每个人都拥有美好生活。  中国为可持续发展做出了重大贡献,首先表现在基本消除了国内贫困,其次是通过“一带一路”倡议等项目帮助其他国家进行基础建设。不难发现,中国的快速发展