以加强工艺管理、严格工艺纪律为突 加强组织领导 推进工艺工作——上海市机电行业加强工艺工作的几点做法

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目前我国机械工业的主要问题在哪里?为什么往往新产品试制合格后一旦批量投产,质量就没有保证,甚至出现产品越老质量越不稳定的反常现象?为什么不少引进技术,硬件软件都是人家的,而产品质量、消耗指标硬是比人家的相距甚远?为什么质量年年讲、天天抓,还是收效甚微?……答案可能不只一个,但一般认为最主要的还是在工程实践上:就是工艺管理薄弱,工艺纪律松弛,生产中无法可依,有法不依,执法不严。因此,国家机械委今年提出以“加强工艺管理,严格工艺纪律”为“突破口”,确是抓住了问题的症结!我们相信,只要上下一起抓,切切实买地抓,坚持不懈地抓,就能抓出成效,我国的机械工业就振兴在望了。机械委还发出通知,在抓“突破口”工作中,有关刊物要广为宣传报道。本刊受上海市机电工业管理局的委托,从本期起开辟“工艺管理”专栏,报道有关企业在“突破口”工作中的做法和经验。目前,这些经验可能还是初步的和点滴的。但随着突破口工作的深入开展,成熟的和系统的经验就会大量涌现。我们也希望全国各地的同行们,也把自己“突破口”工作经验及时总结寄给本专栏,以便广为交流、互相促进,共同为振兴我国的机械工业而奋斗。 At present, where are the major problems in China’s machinery industry? Why do we often fail to ensure the quality of new products as soon as they are put into production in batches? There are even some anomalies in the quality of older products. Why do we introduce many technologies and hardware and software? However, product quality and consumption indicators are hardly different from those of other people. Why is it that quality speaks about every day, every day, or has little effect?...... The answer may be more than one, but it is generally believed that the most important is still in engineering practice: The process management is weak, the discipline of the process is loose, there is no way to comply with production, there is no law to follow, and the law is not strict. Therefore, the National Machinery Commission proposed this year to “strengthen process management and strict process discipline” as the “breakthrough”, which really caught the crux of the problem! We believe that as long as we grasp it together, we must be able to grasp it, and we must persist in it. We will be able to grasp the results and our machinery industry will be revived. The Machinery Commission also issued a notice that the relevant publications should be widely publicized and reported in the work of “breakthroughs”. With the entrustment of the Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industry Administration Bureau, this issue opens a “process management” column from this issue to report on the practices and experiences of relevant companies in the “breakthrough” work. At present, these experiences may still be preliminary and bit by bit. However, with the deepening of the breakthrough work, mature and systematic experience will emerge in large numbers. We also hope that our colleagues across the country will also send their own “breakthrough” work experience to this column in a timely manner so that they can communicate and promote each other and work together to revitalize China’s machinery industry.
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