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令各行署、直属专署、直属法院,并抄致各专署县市政府省级各机关、及各直属单位本府为了加强各级司法机关的领导,便利检查监督各级司法机关,掌握政策法令,在审判中的正确执行,慎重的处理人民诉讼,把案件办理的更好,从而提高司法工作水平,因此,覆核与上诉制度,有明确统一规定的必要,兹根据现有力量,本府司法厅,先行受理部份上诉,并对目前各地审级及覆核制度暂作如下确定:一、各行署区仍以县司法科为民刑第一审机关,专署司法科为民刑第二审机关,行署司法处为民刑终审机关,行署所属市法院为民刑一审机关,行署为民刑第二审机关,亦即终审机关,暂时不变。行署如有重大民刑案件,或疑难不决之有关政策问题,可事先详具事实,提出解决意见,向本府司法厅商榷处理办法。 All administrative departments directly under the agency, directly under the court, and copied to the various prefectural and county government agencies and provincial agencies, and its subordinate units in order to strengthen the government at all levels of the judicial organs to facilitate the inspection and supervision of judicial organs at all levels to master the policies and decrees, Therefore, the system of reviewing and appealing has clear and unified provisions. According to the current strength, the judicial system of our government The Office accepted some of the appeals beforehand and temporarily determined the current trial and review system throughout the country as follows: I. The judicial department of each administrative department of the district still took the first instance of the People’s Procuratorate and the judicial department of the department of civil administration as the second instance The organs and administrative offices of the administrative department of execution shall be the final authority of the People’s Republic of China and the municipal courts of the administrative offices shall be the organs of civil execution of first instance. The administrative department of administrative agency shall be the second instance organ of the People’s Republic of China, that is, the final authority, temporarily unchanged. If the Administrative Department has any major criminal cases or questions that are difficult to be resolved, it may give detailed explanations in advance with the facts and put forward suggestions on how to deal with the problems and discuss with the judicial department of the government.
重点介绍了太阳能—热能转换技术及太阳能热水器的应用 ,提出了在山西形成“太阳能产业”的建议。 The solar energy - thermal energy conversion technology and the appl
(一)我們初步調查,二十六個部門今年擬起草的法規共有一五九件,部門組織條例尚未計入。估計今年各部門擬起草的法規總數有三百件左右,其中多數須經國務院審 (A) According
3月3日请示收悉。同意将伊阳县改名为汝阳县。 March 3 received instructions received. Agreed to rename the county of Yangyang Ruyang.
批准國務院法制局關於法律室任務職責和組織辦法的報告,並發給你們參照辦理。法律室實際是法律顧问室。它是協助機關、企業負責人正確貫徹國家法律 Approve the report of
國務院法制局成立後工作部署和加强法制工作的報告,已經一月十三日國務院常務會議批准,總理並作如下指示: 一、對原政務院及其所屬各部門發佈的各項法規,及時進行一次整理是