Global pattern and trend of liver cancer survival: a systematic review of population-based studies

来源 :肝癌研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Linda_724
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Aim: To describe the global pattern and trend of liver cancer survival, using data from the population-based studies or cancer registration.Methods: By searching CNKI, Wanfang Data, PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE and SEER. All population-based survival studies of liver cancer from 1 January 2000 to 30 April 2020 were collected and evaluated by patient gender, time period, and country. The overall or age-standardized five-year relative survival rate was used to describe the pattern and changes in liver cancer survival over the past decades. Results: Globally, the highest age-standardized five-year relative survival rate was observed in Italy (18.0%, 2005-2007) and the highest overall five-year relative survival rate was observed in Korea (34.6%, 2012-2016), when compared to other countries. The most remarkable increase in overall five-year relative survival rate can be seen in Korea (from 10.7% during 1993-1995 to 34.6% during 2012-2016). In general, worldwide, the five-year relative survival rate of younger patients with liver cancer was higher than old people. For most countries, the five-year relative survival rate of liver cancer was slightly higher in women than in men. In China, the overall five-year relative survival rate of liver cancer in Taiwan was higher than that in other areas, while Cixian of Hebei and Qidong of Jiangsu were lower.Conclusion: Over the past decades, the survival rates of liver cancer have gradually improved, but great variations are also observed globally. Worldwide, younger patients with liver cancer have experienced a better prognosis. Gender disparity in liver cancer survival was not obvious.
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