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目的 :探讨应用纤维支气管镜 (纤支镜 )引导微波治疗气管 -支气管内膜结核的疗效。方法 :5 2例支气管内膜结核患者 ,Ⅱ型支气管内膜结核 (溃疡、干酪坏死型 ) 8例 ,Ⅲ型支气管内膜结核 (肉芽增殖型 ) 2 7例 ,Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型支气管内膜结核 (混合存在 ) 17例 ,按纤维支气管镜介入治疗常规准备并插镜 ,将微波导线探出镜端 2~3cm ,接触欲行微波治疗的病灶表面 ,调节微波功率为 45~ 6 0W ,时间为每次 3~ 6S ,共计 2 5~ 30min。结果 :5 2例患者治疗均取得成功 ,40例经 3~ 4次镜下微波治疗和镜下给药 ,病变得到治愈。 8例病变经 6~ 8次微波治疗和镜下给药 ,其中 4例病情较重治疗后仍狭窄 ,建议球囊扩张和支架置入。结论 :内镜下微波治疗支气管内膜结核 ,能使病灶迅速缩小、治愈 ;咳漱、呼吸困难、肺不张明显改善 ,避免部分患者最终手术治疗。 Objective: To investigate the curative effect of bronchoscope (bronchoscope) guided microwave treatment of tracheal-bronchial endometrial tuberculosis. Methods: Fifty-two patients with endobronchial tuberculosis, type Ⅱ endobronchial tuberculosis (ulcer and cheese necrosis type), type Ⅲ endoplasmic bronchitis (granuloma multiplication type), type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ bronchial intima Tuberculosis (mixed presence) in 17 cases, according to the routine preparation of fiberoptic bronchoscopy and insert, the microwave wire out of the mirror end 2 ~ 3cm, contact with the microwave treatment of lesions on the surface, adjust the microwave power of 45 ~ 60W, time For each 3 ~ 6S, a total of 25 ~ 30min. Results: Fifty-two patients were successfully treated. Forty patients underwent microscopic and microsurgical treatment 3 to 4 times, and the lesions were cured. 8 cases of lesions by 6 to 8 times microwave treatment and microscopic administration, of which 4 cases of severe disease after treatment is still stenosis, it is recommended balloon dilatation and stent placement. Conclusion: Endoscopic microwave treatment of endobronchial tuberculosis, can make the lesions quickly reduced and cured; cough, breathing difficulties, atelectasis was significantly improved, to avoid the final surgery in some patients.
目的了解深圳市2005~2013年人群风疹流行特征,为制定防控风疹策略提供参考依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对中国疾病预防控制信息系统报告的深圳市2005~2013年确诊的1 965
目的 :探讨经纤维支气管镜氩等离子体凝固 (APC)在气道金属支架置入后的应用价值。方法 :2例支气管结核、1例气管鳞癌和 1例气管腺样囊性癌 ,在镍钛合金气道支架置入后存在新