学好十八大精神 开创我市哲学社会科学工作新局面

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党的十八大报告既是政治宣言又是行动纲领,十八大报告高屋建瓴、总揽全局、内涵丰富、思想深刻,充满自信、充满创新、充满智慧、充满力量。十八大报告有许多新表述、新论断、新观点、新判断。报告用很大篇幅论述社会主义文化强国建设,提出了文化强国的目标任务,提出了发展哲学与社会科学的的任务要求。特别是报告提出了道路自信,理论自信,制度自信“三个自信”。表明了我们党在新的历史起点上将会举什么旗、走什么路,表明了我们党对中国未来发展的自信和十足的底气。作为一名社科工作者,学习贯彻十八大精神,最重要的是全面、准确、深刻领会十八大精神实质,一个重要方面,就是要坚定理论自信,把繁荣发展哲学社会科学的任务落到实处。 The report of the 18th CPC National Congress is both a political declaration and a program of action. The 18th CPC National Congress reported that the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has a high standard of accommodation and overall situation. It has rich connotation, profound thinking, full of confidence, full of innovation, full of wisdom and full of strength. There are many new statements, new assertions, new ideas and new judgments in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report devotes a great deal of space to discussing the building of a powerful socialist country and putting forward the goal and task of building a culturally powerful country and put forward the task requirements for the development of philosophy and social sciences. In particular, the report proposes road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence and institutional self-confidence. “Three self-confidence.” It shows what flag our party will hold at the new starting point of history and what road to go forward, demonstrating our party’s confidence and full confidence in China’s future development. As a social science worker, one of the most important things in studying and implementing the 18th CPC National Congress is to comprehensively, accurately and profoundly understand the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. One important aspect is to strengthen theoretical self-confidence and give priority to the task of prospering and developing philosophy and social sciences In fact.